He's such a cute little Fisherman!
Too Cute!
Of course he got to drive the boat even though he couldn't see over the console! Thank God for auto pilot!
Tell me this little boy didn't have an AWESOME time!
So as you can see from the pictures Ben and his dad had a GREAT time on there special Father/ Son fishing trip made possible by The Way Outfitters. We want to say a special Thank You to the Panhandle Chapter of The Way Outfitters and especially Pat Anderson who arranged Ben's entire trip and was there everyday for lots of FUN!!! Also thank you to Hook'em Up Charters Capt. BJ Burkett and fishJambo.com Offshore Charters Capt. Mike Falzone both out of Panama City Florida. And to all the other friends and chapter members who made the boys trip so amazing. Some fabulous memories were made that they will have forever.
Ben had a great week at camp again. He is on day 5 of chemo right now so he's a little tired and week, but thats not enough to keep him out of the game! He had a fun sleep over at his cousins house Friday night, after a full day of yard work and swimming with Dad and Shaun. Thanks for the swim date Ms Kim and Mr Tom we had a blast. Grandma came to town yesterday for a week of Camp Brighter Horizons fun! And then we are off to San Diego for more Beach fun and yes BIG pizzas - we just found out Uncle Mikey gets to come too -YEAH!!!
Its been a rough couple weeks for the DIPG community we lost 4 precious kids in about the last two weeks and there are two more having a very difficult time right now. Its difficult for Big Ben and I when we hear of how much these kids are suffering. There is a little guilt because Ben is doing so well, and there is a lot of fear that we may have to face what they have faced. Please keep all our DIPG families in your prayers. Ben's next MRI is scheduled for Aug 12th - right before Kindergarden starts!!
Love to all and I will try harder to update more often.
WOW! Look at all those fish. Love the pictures, looks like a lot of fun. Have a great week with grandma. I know she can not top that fishing trip, but I am sure you will have lots of fun.
Anna is proudly wearing her new outfit from Old Navy to Church today. Thanks again!
Have a great week. As always we are thinking and praying for all of you.
Cindy and Anna
Benchu! It seems you're all having a good time. Love you always, and you're in our prayers.
Alex & Pablo.
It looks like yall had an amazing time...Ben im soo jealous of all these vacations you get to take. But I am glad that your having an amazing time on each and every one of them. You looked sooo cute dressed up in your little fisherman clothes...to bad you didnt get to see any pirates though while you were out there. Or did you and you just didnt tell mom?!?! Keep living it up little man. Peace. Love. Prayes.
Hi Erin and Ben:
We love to see all the great things your family gets to do. Ben is a really lucky boy. We will certainly pray that he keeps feeling well.
The Nazars
what a handsome little man in that hat. i miss you bud and can't wait to see you again soon- mission beach here we come!!!
Great pictures of an obviously great time. People are so good.
Have a great time in San Diego. You obviously will
with Uncle Mikey along! Jack went there for boot camp though, being from Ohio, he was supposed to go to Great Lakes. That's the farthest west he's ever been!
Please know that our prayers are with those in the DIPG community in their losses. We think of them everyday, as we think of you and send our love and support.
Megan's mom, Peg
Rrrr Matey! Looks like you and your dad has a great trip and caught LOTS of fish. Yummm! It also looks like your Aunt Mego and Uncle Mikey showed you and your family a wonderful time in Colorado. I'm sure you beat your Uncle Mikey in connect-4!
Keep having a blast, Lil' Ben!
Love, Jill
What a fun trip! Hope you guys are having a great summer. We miss you tons! Maybe we can see you while you are in Mission...not too far from AZ. Plus it will be nicer weather for the kids. Hope to talk to you soon!
Love, The Messengers
Hi Pirate Ben. My name is Ms. Dianna, and I have been silently following your momma's journal entries. I just wanted you to know that tomorrow, we will be going to the insectarium and aquarium because of your mom's posts. Surely, we will have a ball at both places just like you do! My six-year old daughter is so, super psyched that we are going. Most importanly though, I want you to know that I am praying for and thinking of you and your whole, entire family! Stay strong little buddy.
I'm glad to read that Ben is doing well! I am praying for positive results from the MRI next month, and more encouraging signs. My prayers continue for Ben, as well as your family.
While I was in Traverse City, MI over the weekend, I thought of Ben when I saw this Pirates Cove water park/play center. Pirate Ben is the cutest of pirates...that is for sure!
CUTE PICS! Details, details...who needs to see to drive anyway :)
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