Thursday, August 6, 2009

Partial Plan

Hello All

Well we met with Dr Velez yesterday and we now have the beginnings of a plan. Ben will be going in for surgery tomorrow (Friday) afternoon to have a port inserted. For those of you who don't know the port is a semi-permanent "button" inserted into a vessel in his chest. It will give the doctors and nurses access to give Ben medications and Chemo with out an IV that would have to be changed out every few days. The port gets "accessed" when they need to give him stuff and can stay accessed for extended periods of time while an IV has about a 3 day max. When no accessed its basically just a bump or button under his skin. They will also be able to draw blood from it, so basically it means much fewer needle sticks for Ben and a nice stable access point for med delivery. (Hope I explained that well enough!)

Dr Velez will be consulting with colleagues including Dr Warren at NIH who is recognized as the leading expert in this type of cancer, she has Ben in loop (via phone) on Ben's care though out. They will go over all available protocols that Ben may be eligible for and we will then discuss there recommendations next week. But regardless of which we choose Ben will need the port so we have decided to get started on that.

It should be a short hospital stay maybe just one night, for port placement. So say a few extra prayers for Ben tomorrow afternoon that the procedure goes well and there isn't much pain.

As always thank you for all the support.



Anonymous said...

Ahoy, brave Pirate Ben. We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and know you'll be strong and saying, AAARGH, loudly. We'll be waiting to hear how everything goes, of course. Must look up some more jokes for the occasion. Later!

Love from these swabs, Jack and Peg (the Laubers)

Anonymous said...

Okay, Ben. Got one for you.
Patient: I keep seeing frogs in front of my eyes.
Doctor: Don't worry it's only a HOPtical illusion.

And here's an old one you may have heard:
How do you catch a squirrel?
Climb up a tree and act like a nut.

Love ya,

Peg (Megan's mother) P.S. Have you had a chance to visit M's chickens yet? Annabelle, Pearl, and Flo? I've got a chicken joke for you for later.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

We are thinking and praying for all of you. We will say extra prayers for the port placement tomorrow. Ports do make things much easier for the patient. Ben will do great with it. He is so brave and smart. Tell him Anna and I enjoyed hearing him sing yesterday! Sorry we did not get to see you before you all left. Best of luck with everything. I hope it helps to know a lot of people are praying for all of you. Please let us know if we can do anything to help.

Love and Prayers,
Cindy and Anna

Erin, If you could email me your address, Anna would like to mail Ben a card. Our email address is on caringbridge. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Lord Jesus touch Ben’s body with the healing power that only comes from YOU. Give Ben and his parents strength and courage during this difficult time. They are in YOUR hands, Lord, and there are no better hands than yours. Please grant Ben's doctor with the knowledge she needs.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You have done, and all that You are yet to do for YOUR GLORY and HONOR. In Jesus Name.
Always Believing,

Ms. Amy said...

Ahoy Ben,

I saw a real pirate ship in the Baltimore Harbor (that is where the Star Spangled Banner was written). I'll email your Mommy the pictures so you can see them. I think you should be promoted to captain because you are so brave!


Ms. Amy

Sandee in AZ said...

Ahoy Matey Mighty Ben, Tomorrow's a big day for you, but I know your up to it. It will be great to get your medicine without all those needle sticks. And you'll be a PIRATE with his own secret PORT. That's a silly play on words, but I don't know any other jokes today. Remember everyone in AZ loves and prays for you. Sandee

The Brathbury Family said...

My brave little pirate son-in-law, I know you are braver than me and you tell everybody all the time how i am scared of needles. You will be so strong tonorroww and i will say an extra prayer so everything goes ok. Love The Brathbury Family

Anonymous said...

We will be thinking of you guys! XOXO

Mike, Kelli, Madi and Mikie

The Barons said...

Ahoy Ben, Imagine a pirate with his own secrete port!!! That Sandee is pretty funny!!!

Speaking of funny, how about a few more jokes?

What happens when an egg laughs?
It cracks up!

Why shouldn't you play cards in the jungle?
There are too many cheetahs!!!

Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?
Because it was two-tired!!! (That one was for your Uncle Mikey)

Well big fella that's about all for now. Please give your mom and dad a big kiss from us. Love to you all!!!

Adios amigos!
Dave and Ginger

Dianna in Gonzales said...

I just wanted you to know that our family is praying for yours today......Praying that your port surgery goes well and that your house be filled with peace and joy beyond understanding.

Anonymous said...

Your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers - Catherine Koch - (Aidan's mom)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the port went well and that Ben has a high pain tolerance :) Kids are TOUGH! I think you'll all like the port better...that's what my sister has since she has to go in for chemo every month for's barely noticable and there's no exposure so less chance for infection! Praying for you all, Brandy