Friday, November 12, 2010

2 Years

Today makes 2 years since our life changed forever. Ben fought the best fight he could for 15 1/2 months. Now we try and carry on his legacy. Big Ben is building a bbq pit to take to fundraisers, Erin is loving St.Andrews, and Shaun is Shaun.

We all hope one day no families have to hear what we heard 2 years ago today but we will continue to fight for Ben's legacy.


Grandma and Grandpa said...

Beautifully stated. Ben has left a great legacy and you as a family are certainly carrying it forward.
Love Grandpa and Grandma.

Anonymous said...

Erin, Ben, and Shaun,

Hello! We think of you all often and pray for all of you. Anna and I worked Boo at the Zoo and thought of Ben everytime we saw a pirate. His legacy will live on and he will not be forgotten.
Take care.

Cindy and Anna

PS I am going to send you an email.