Pirate Ben divers!!
I think the stingrays were a little nervous about the swords !
What an awesome field trip! Ben's class was given the royal treatment today at the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas.
Here's our day as Ben tells it!
Two way cool personal tour guides took us through the Aquarium- Mr Tom and Ms Susan - they know everything about the Aquarium. We went through the fish tunnel and the diver guys (mommy note: sorry girls he calls everyone guys!!) were pirates. They had swords and everything, they even did a sword fight. And they found treasure in the water and gave it to us later when they came out of the water - we got pencils and stickers and toy swords!
We got to pet a penguin, his name was Cole, he was very nice and very soft. Then we got to go pet stingrays and sharks. We also got to pet this thing that looked like a bomb from Nemo!! (moms note - it was a pencil urchin - not a bomb but it does look like WWII underwater mines!)
Ms Susan fed some Lion Fish for us they are really fast at eating. Then she took us to feed the really big shark tank. My mom was nervous one of us would fall in but we didn't, we tried but we didn't!! We got to throw food to the sharks and King Midas the really big sea turtle from the top of the Gulf tank.
It was a supper fun day and I'm so glad my mom knows such really fun people at her works!
Moms note: for many years now Ben has considered all Audubon facilities mine - yes its my moms Aquarium, my moms Insectarium, my moms Zoo! I've been a busy lady runny all those facilities!!! Well today it became Mr Tom's Aquarium and Ms Susan's sharks. I guess it one less facility for me to worry about!
Just one more example of what amazing friends, family and community we have.
Ben had a great week. This last Saturday was his last soccer game and he got a really big trophy! We went to the park with the boys friends Jackson and Lucas. Then we had a camp out with Grandpa in the back yard, we made a camp fire complete with smores! And the Boys and Grandpa spent the night in the backyard in a tent!! Sunday we went to the North Shore with Ben's friend Patrick to visit his PawPaw and ride horses. The boys got to pretend they were steer and we turned them out of the shoot and PawPaw roped them! I tried to get him to keep Shaunie tied up, but no luck!
Grandma and Grandpa left on Tuesday and then our awesome field trip today. And it just keeps going...tomorrow we leave on Ben's Make A Wish trip - Disney Cruise!! We are very excited. It should be a lot of fun.
Unfortunately we are going to miss the "Hogs for the Cause" fundraiser this weekend. But we got some really cute Thank You signs printed up, big thank you to Artie's Printing for the awesome posters and banner!! Anyone interested in a good old fashion southern pig roast head out to the Fly behind the zoo it should be great food and a lot of fun!! Check out the web page for more info www.hogsforthecause.org
We'll post Sunday night when we get back!
Love you all
The Sarrat Family
Bon voyage, Sarrats all, particularly Pirate Ben! That'll be a MUCH bigger ship than any pirate has sailed on. Have tons of fun! We'll miss you very much up North but will keep up on the blog.
Love, Megan's Mom and Dad, Ms. Peg and Jack
Happy sailing!! What a great field trip you and your class had!!
Spending the night in the back yard is one of the coolest things. Our grandsons used to put a tent up and do the same thing in our back yard.Mr. Doug and I were really mean, because we'd sneak up on them and scare them!! Or at least they pretended they were scared.lol Have fun on the really big ship. Take lots of pictures. Gonna miss you!!
love you bunches and bunches
Mrs. Rita
I hope you guys have a great time on the Disney cruise - you are probably already under way. Can't wait to hear all the details! Ben - I hope you had a fun time camping out in the tent this past week - looks like you've been having a very fun time going to the acquarium and doing camping and playing soccer! Love you, Aunt Robyn
Ahoy Ben,
How exiting that you got to go to your mom's way cool aquarium and now you are on your ocean cruise!!! We're very glad that you weren't able to jump into that shark cage. We didn't know that penguins were soft. Thanks to you we learned something new. =)
Congratulations on receiving your soccer trophy. Your campout afterwards sounded like lots of fun, as did that horse ride.
Hope you are having lots of fun on your cruise!!!! Please don't go swimming with any sharks!!!!
Since you're on your cruise, how about some fish/sea jokes?
Why are fish so smart?
Because they live in schools!!!
Why is it so easy to weigh fish?
Because they have their own scales!
What's the best way to catch a fish?
Have someone throw them to you!
What happens when you throw a green rock into the Red Sea?
It gets wet!
What happens when your throw a red rock into the Black Sea?
It sinks to the bottom.
With that we’ll say,
Adios amigos!!!
Love you!
Dave and Ginger
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