My Class!!!
Us "in" the cockroach kitchen!!! YUK!!!
How many of us can fit in the "Love Bug"?
Did anyone call Guinness???
Guess Who??? Yup ME!!!
Mommy is so excited she finally learned how to use this picture feature!!! Look captions and all!
Ben is an amazing 5 year old boy. He was diagnosed with a Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG)(an inoperable brain tumor) in Nov 08. Ben wants to share his fight with cancer with you, this is his story...
Hi Ben,
What cool pictures, I'm sure glad you have such a super pirate secretary to do all your pictures and typing, you sure are lucky. I am so glad that you do not have to take any more chemo for awhile. I can't believe how tall you are getting. You must be growing an inch a month. Just think how tall you will be when you go to prom at Brighten. You know when you go to a new school, you will meet new friends and then you will have twice as many friends as you do now, and Miss Jessica will always be your favorite teacher forever. You never did tell us how many people can fit in the love bug. I hear Aunt Meg is really excited to be coming, but I want to know if you are going to share your pizza with her when she comes. I also heard that you might be planing a trip to Phoenix I can't wait to see you. I wish I were back there so I could go to your soccer games. We are going to a little girl who is 6 years old game on Saturday. I hope you both win your games. Enough for now, we love you all and are keeping you in our thoughts.
Love you lots,
Aunt Shirley
Hey Ben,
Looking at that picture of your class it looks like a bug must have flown up Patrick's nose. Is that what he was digging for???? hahaha!
Had fun with you guys. The Insectarium was AWESOME. I was all "Bugged out."
Luv ya,
Patrick's mom.
Hey Guys,
Just read the message you left of Anna's caringbridge. We all loved what Ben said, so cute! I wish it was that easy that we could all sell the cancer and be done with it. We would sell it cheap! Anna had fun doing the radiothon, even though she was not on the radio.
Glad to hear about the insectrium. Sounds like fun, we have not been yet. When Robby was Ben's age he loved bugs. Keep having fun and good days. When is the cruise? You guys are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Take care and enjoy the soccer game and that sweet lil soccer player.
Love and Prayers
Cindy and Anna Kitchen
WOW!! What GREAT pictures! That roach kitchen grosses me out!!Glad you and your class are having so much going on different field trips! Tell your mom we're really, really, proud of her for taking pictures and posting them. She's a pro now!!!!!
Love the picture of your class and especially the one with you standing in front of all those bugs. Hope none got in your hair. ha ha ha And I especially hope that you didn't get ants in your pants!!
Love you bunches and bunches
Mrs. Rita
hi bud-
i can't believe you got mommy to eat bugs, i'm sure i tried to get her to eat bugs when we were little and she wouldn't go for it.
i can't wait to see you and shaun next week. we're going to have to pack a lot of fun into those 3 days i'm there.
i'm glad flagstaff made the top 10 list, that snow sure was fun. we had a lot of it again this year, my friends built a snow cave in their backyard and slept in it!
love you bud,
aunt mego
Ahoy Ben,
Your trip to the insectarium sounded awesome but - YUCK - eating bugs doesn't sound like fun at all! How did you ever convince your mom to do that? How would you like to hear some bug jokes?
What is the insect's favorite game?
Why is it better to be a grasshopper than a cricket?
Because grasshoppers can play cricket but crickets can't play grasshopper!
Where would you put an injured insect?
In an antbulance!
Adios amigos!
Dave and Ginger
What great pictures partly because of your great shirts. But, ugh, that cockroach kitchen! Bet you all had a great time and were extremely well behaved. Right?
Now for next Wednesday's trip. Can't remember what's next so will be surprised by your report.
Love, Megan's Mom, Miss Peg
Ahoy Pirate Ben. We loved the picute of you in front of the butterflies. Our son John "grew" butterfly coccoons in the bottom of our refrigerator when he was in grade school. I am trying to remember how he did it. Do you have a butterfly net? That is a fun hobby in the spring. Keep posting those pictures, we love them. John and Sandee in AZ.
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