Hello All!!
Well today was my first day of Kindergarten! It was a blast. My teacher's name is Mrs. Williams and she is lots of fun. I had PE today and the coach and I played soccer the whole time - it was awesome. My favorite things today were recess, reading stories, and PE. We only had a half day today, so after we got done with school Mom took me to lunch at Applebees and Daddy met us there. Mom had a good day too, she is at school with me everyday in case I need something and to give me my medicine. So my mom got to work on her alphabet today...lots of filing!! The teachers seemed really happy to have a full time volunteer.
I am very excited for school tomorrow. Mom's going to leave at noon and see if I do good on my own in the afternoon - my Ms Jessica is going to pick me up and I am VERY excited about that!
Love the big Kindergartner Pirate
nice work pal, when to get your first day done.
_uncle Mikey
I'm so glad that you had a good first day, Ben. It sounds like kindergarten is a lot of fun! Love you, little man!
Way cool...Pirate Ben had a great day in Kindergarten!! We love your lunchbox, backpack and what a cool uniform!!!! You look like the best Kindergartener ever! Bet you cannot wait till Ms. Williams learns all your cool AL cheers too! Teach her all Miss Jessica's fun stuff and come back fishing soon....you have a great week Lil' Ben!! So proud you are going to BIG school now!! Mr. Jimbo and Mrs. Lisa Coarsey
Glad to hear you had a good first day of kndergarten. You look super handsome in your uniform. Have a great day tomorrow. Tell mom thanks for sharing pictures with us.
Love and Prayers,
Cindy and Anna
Way to go, Ben! Kindergarten sounds like a blast and that's so fun that your mom gets to go back to school too. You look mighty handsome in your first day of school picture. Keep on smiling and have a wonderful week!
Your Aunt MegO's friend,
Way to go, Champ. Like your uniform and lunchbox, esp. the lunchbox. So glad your mom's getting an education too. (I know she's a big help to the teacher(s) too. She's one of the smartest mothers I ever knew. Have a great day tomorrow. So nice you'll get to see Ms. Jessica!
Megan's mom, Ms. Peg
Ahoy Ben, Sounds like kindergarted was THE place to be today!!! Recess was always our favorite part of school. (I think it still is.)
Are you still in the mood for school jokes?
What did the alien say to the book?
Take me to your reader!
What did the pencil say to the paper?
I dot my eye on you!
How do you make one disappear?
Add the letter g and make it gone!
Looking forward to hear about your adventures in school.
Adios amigos!
Love you!,
Dave and Ginger
Hi Ben,
The uniform and backpack good great on you. Ask mom what her uniform looked like. Remind be and I will bring you a picture of your mom on her first day of kindergarten. Grandpa had a great time with you and the family. Soon it will be my turn and I am sooooo looking forward to it. See you soon big guy and be sure mom is good at school. We don't want her sent to the principals office.
Love Grandma and Grandpa.
How fabulous and awesome that you had so much fun at school! We are so jealous that Mom got to go with you today - we all wanted to go as well. But I'm certain that the classroom would have been way too crowded. We thought about you all day today at Brighter Horizons. Impress your teacher with all that you have learned - you'll make us proud! Of course, you ALWAYS make us proud.
Love you bunches and bunches.... and we miss you buddy!
Ms. Mel and the gang
Hi Ben,
We were so excited to see your first day of kindergarten pictures. You sure are a handome looking dude. I really like the lunch box. So happy to hear that Ms. Jessica is going to pick you up tomorrow. let us all know at the end of the week, how much your mommy learned at school this week. I'll just bet that she will learn somthing besides her alphabet.
Take care and have a wonderful week.
Love Aunt Shirley
Awesome Spiderman lunch box. Your Mom is so lucky, I secretly wanted to stay with Myriah all day her first day of kindergarten but her teacher kicked me out. Your Mommy will need lots of hugs tonight if she had to leave school before the end of the day. The first few days of kindergarten are very hard for mommys.
Ms. Amy
Way to go, Ben. We wish we could spend all day playing soccer, eating lunch, and having recess! You are so lucky.
Hey Ben -
Hooray! I'm glad you had a great first day of kindergarten! You look great in your uniform and I hope your second day is even better than the first. Love the spidy back-pack! Miss you and love you, Aunt Robyn
Hi Ben! You look super excited to start kindergarden...how fun! I bet the other kids think your Spidey lunch box is pretty cool. We'll be thinking about you a lot, so take good care!
Aunt Mego's friends Angela and P
Wow...kindergarten can you believe it? How time flies!!! I am so glad that he loved it and it sounds like he is going to have so much fun. Enjoy and take some fun pictures.
Love, The Messengers
Oh my!! what a handsome guy you are. Love that uniform and the lunchbox! Glad your teacher is nice, if you have any problems, you just let Ms. Jessica know, she'll take care of it!! I'm going to come up to BH and see you this afternoon. I'll call and see what time you'll be there. I have something special for you that I found why were on vacation. You're going to love it.
Keep loving school.
Much love and many prayers,
Mrs. Rita
Wow...your a kindergartner..that's so cool. You look super cute in your uniform. I bet you are having a blast.
Love your clinic friend,
Awesome, Ben! Kindergarten sounds fantastic and it's cool that your mom gets to be there too.
Have fun and be sure to tell all the other kids all your funny jokes.
Take care-
Mego's friend Shannon
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