Field Day at St. Andrew's - Kindergarten Team White took the title for tug - of-war!!!!
Ben and his teachers at his Halloween Party!
Race car driver Shaun and the princess ladies enjoying a little swinging time!
Ben arrested his principle! Not smart, he's lucky I already got his report card!
Ben taking his turn at the pinata that wouldn't die!
It was a great week here. Ben spent the week at school and did great, he didn't even need his walker this week. The chemo seems to be going well. His counts were good this week, he is only experiencing mild side effects, we aren't sure its working yet but he is definitly not getting worse! His balance seems better and he's talking more again. We went up on his Depakote this week (per study guidelines), and we reduced his steroids YEAH!!!!!! Its been four days since the steroid reduction and still looks good, so I am hopeful maybe this week we can end steroids! Getting off the steroids and maybe loosing some of his weight would definitly make him feel better.
Thursday was feild day at St Andrew's all the grades are broken up into three teams (red, white, and blue) and they compete in lots of relay races and games. Ben was on team White! He was very excited for his event ....Tug - Of - War!! Ben's team won both of their matches! And Team White K - 2 won their division! But unfortunately Team White overall (whole school) ended up coming in second! But Team White Kindergarten did AWESOME and they had fun and that is what really matters! I also got Ben's report card on Thursday, he did great!
Friday he got to spend at Brighter Horizons with his Ms Jessica because there was no school. And Saturday was his BIG Halloween party that he has been planning now for weeks! There were tons of people here! It may be our biggest party yet! Lots of kids and lots of cute costumes! They all had a great time! Then Ben, Shaun and their cousins went trick or treating! Ben was pretty exhausted by then so he was driven trick or treating in his power wheels Jeep by his wonderful cousin Brooke they had a great time driving from house to house. Then she would run up to each house with both buckets and he would yell trick or treat from the sidewalk - she was such a sweety for helping him out and they had a great time! So now that Halloween is over Ben has his sights set on planning his Birthday Party! I'm not exactly sure how we are going to top last year but we will try! And of course Ben and his Dad have already started getting Christmas decorations ordered ......anyone seen National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (I think that is their ideal decor!)!!
So thanks for all who helped us make Halloween lots of fun for our little fighter! While Ben is looking forward to Christmas, I am looking forward to Thanksgiving, we have a lot to be Thankful for this year!
Love to all
The Sarrat Family
Ahoy Ben,
Looking at the pictures lets us know how much fun you've been having. But arresting your principal??? Are you sure that was a good move??? It's a good thing she likes you. ;)
We have another question. Does Shaun always surround himself with cute girls?
Since you are enjoying school, how about some education jokes?
What do you say if you get in trouble for not doing your homework?
You can’t tell me off for something I didn’t do!!!
What language does a billboard speak?
Sign Language!
Why did John walk backwards to school?
It was back to school day!
Ha, ha, ha!
Hope they brought a smile to your cute face.
Love ya!
Adios amigos!
Dave and Ginger
hey pal, glad to see Halloween was fun, it sounded great. your aunt Mego and I are trying to get down there to visit you. we'll see you soon buddy.
-uncle mikey
Hey guys,
Glad to read your update, as I have been thinking of you all. Happy to hear you all had a good Halloween, and Ben is enjoying school.I bet his report card was the best! Love the new pictures.
Take care, and as always we are thinking and praying for all of you. Anna and I miss seeing you all in clinic, maybe next time.
Take care.
Cindy and Anna
Ben, here is a Halloween joke for you...
What does Tweety Bird say on Halloween? Twick or Tweet
Sorry we were late to "Ben's Big Halloween Bash", Chloe' was napping and then we couldn't find Mom's bumble bee costume...she had to resort to wearing Dad's pirate shirt and my hat. So sorry we missed Mrs. Hernandez getting handcuffed ...I'll bet that was funny!!!
The girls had fun bouncing in the bounce house and I like playing the jumping spider game!!!
I look forward to my Mom and me coming over later this week, after your grandparents go home to Phoenix, so we can play Webkinz with your Black Bat...I named mine Fang and he's really cool because he can fly around...most of the other Webkinz only get to walk.
We'll see you at school tomorrow...
Black and Gold Day...Geaux we go!!!
Oh yeah and drop us a line at Mom has some photos for you from Field Day and buddy, Sean has nothing on you because in the shots I saw, you were surrounded by KW & KM girls !!!
We had an awesome time at your party. The girls had a blast with all the different stuff to do. Carli loved the jump. We cant wait for movie night again. See you soon
The Brathbury Family
Hey Ben! Just wanted to say that your Halloween costume was awesome. I was pretty sure you were going to be a pirate, but you showed me! Your SWAT costume was pretty cool--were those real handcuffs?! Glad to hear you had fun on Halloween. We are thinking of you and your family.
Love ya,
Angela & Pedro, Aunt Mego-o's pals
Ben and Shaun, here's some jokes for your Thanksgiving Holiday!
The teacher asked little Timmy to write down what he is thankful for. Timmy wrote, "I am thankful I'm not a turkey!"
What key has legs and cannot unlock doors? A TurKEY.
Can a turkey jump higher than a skyscraper? Yes, because skyscrapers cannot jump at all.
Which side of a turkey has the most feathers? The outside.
Why did the turkey join the band? Because he already had the drumsticks.
Why do turkeys always say "gobble, gobble, gobble?" Because they never learned any table manners.
What happened when the turkey got into a fight? He got the stuffing knocked out of him!
Happy Thanksgiving,
Hey Ben -
I loved your costume! Glad you had a fun Halloween, arresting teachers and trick or treating, not to mention the big party!! Now, it's on the Thanksgiving so I'm sure you guys are talking about turkey and food in school. Then, it'll be time for your birthday - I can't wait to hear your plans for celebrating! We miss you! Hugs and kisses! love, Aunt Robyn
hey ben, this is adam's mom ms. erin. i wanted to let you know that we had a great time at your halloween party! it was nice to see the brighter horizons crew hang out and see each other again. we hope you've been feeling good. we think of you everyday and say a prayer that you get better soon! and don't eat too much of that halloween candy, it might give you a bellyache like adam.
Hey Guys,
Thinking of you all and just wanted to stop and say hello. Hope things are going well for all of you. Miss seeing you all. We are praying for Ben. Take care.
Love and Prayers,
Cindy and Anna
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