Ben with his buddies on the train
Ben riding "Patrick" the pony!
Beware of pirates!
Taking a train ride with his lady!
Ben and the Magician!
The pinata notice the U of F Gator hat...the Gators got two beatings on Saturday!!!!
Wow what a birthday party! It was a little cold, but sunny and clear for the party! It was amazing. There was a magician, two bounce houses, a pony, a train, amazing food - nachos, burgers, dogs, popcorn, ice cream, and of course great cake! But best of all there were lots of friends and family!
We can never say THANK YOU enough to the Party Planning Posse - you all did an amazing job. I could never have pulled off that party, and it was such an amazing relief to me not to have to. You truly know how to make my life easier, what a blessing! Melanie, Jessica, Ms Kim, Raye, Camille, Mike (aka shnookums), Mr Rita (haha) for great grilling, Dawn (you were missed), Mr Justin (don't worry I wont publicly announce your nickname! HaHa), and for all the people that I don't even know about who helped, donated and pulled it off - WE LOVE YOU and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
We had a great weekend. The birthday party was Saturday, then Sunday we went to a Christmas tree farm and cut down our tree, picked up Aunt Mego and Uncle Mikey from the airport and then headed to the Orange Festival! Mego and Mikey played alot of wii while they were here. We had a great visit. And some of the best moments of the weekend....BAMA beats Florida...SEC Champions!!!!!! And then in an heart stopper of a game...SAINTS go 12 and 0!!!!!! They couldn't have given Ben a better present!
Ben goes back to clinic tomorrow and hopefully his counts will be good enough to up the chemo. We go back to MD Anderson next week for another MRI and visit with the doctors and discuss more radiation. We are so blessed to have had this Birthday with Ben. They said he wouldn't make it to 6 - but he has and he is really fighting hard. This week the DIPG community has lost three more amazing kids each considered long time battlers. Laney - or sweet friend Delaney also being treated at MD Anderson, we were so lucky to get to see Laney each time we visited MD Anderson she battled for 14 months. Andrew - an amazing boy in Michigan who battled for over two years, we never had the pleasure of meeting Andrew but his mother has been a big support to us through our journey. And Claire who battled for almost three years I believe. I only know Claire through her web page but each of these kids is so amazing and the world is truly a darker place without them in it. Please say an extra prayer of strength for there families this week, I'm sure they will need it.
Love and Prayers to All!
Dear Brave Pirate Ben and his brave crew, I enjoyed reading about your birthday party. I am very glad that Alabama won. Christmas is coming! Enjoy a great Christmas season. We pray for you almost every single day. Mark and Doris Gage, Virginia
Ben and Family,
Thinking and praying for all of you. So happy to hear Ben had a great birthday and a great celebration. Good weather too considering the uguly days we have been having.
How about those Saints! I think Ben must have brought them some good luck when he tossed the coin at that game.
Now time for Santa! Keep enjoying the season.
Love and Prayers,
Cindy and Anna
Wow Pirate Ben!!!!! Sounds like you had the coolest birthday party EVER!!!!!!!! I mean, WOW, YOU EVEN HAD A PONY!!!!! And, how about dem Saints, eh!!! Every time I watch a game I think about you on that big field with them!!!!! Just imagine, the huge number you would get if you add the people who already knew and love you to those who "met" you along your journey. I bet you can't even get to a number so high!!!!! You, little buddy, are a #1 SUPERSTAR!!!!!
Hi Big Guy.
Happy Belated Birthday. We just saw the pictures from your party. Looks like we really missed a good time. Those are some awesome pictures from your party. I thought about you Sunday when I watched the Saints play, and I'm not even a football fan, but that was a super game. Ben did you order that win. We love you and good look with your MRI.
Aunt Shirley
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Dear Brave Pirate Ben, Last night, my husband and I went to a Christmas party with some people from our church. Each time we meet we pray for you and your family. I hope you are feeling good and looking forward to Christmas day.
Doris and Mark Gage, Virginia
I am so happy to hear that BEN had such a GREAT birthday!
I am a family friend of Delaney Starcher and Shannon talks about Ben a lot. In fact I was given the honor to share his "dream" at her celebration! Amazing!
I will keep my fingers crossed! Ben and your family are in my thoughts!
Thinking of and praying for you today Pirate Ben! Who Dat!
Ben, I enjoyed our flight together last month. You are the best co pilot I've ever had. You did a great job buddy!!! Give me a call any time PILOT!!!! Your freind,
Dean Levergne
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