Hanging out at Uncle Mikey's Bike Polo Tournament!! Lots of crazy fun!
Playing washers in Aunt Mego's backyard
Hiking by the Pouder River - yeah no one fell in!
We have had a great trip visiting Aunt Mego and Uncle Mikey. We are leaving this afternoon, but have had a great time. Here are a couple cute pictures, more to come in the next few days. We spent a lot of time outside - the weather was fabulous! We played several games of Giant connect four ( pictures to follow in a few days). We went hiking, and took Elvis dog for lots of walks. We met up with mommy's friend from college and her family. But most of all we just relaxed and had fun with Mego and Mikey! Off to the airport!
Love you all Lil'Ben
I am so glad you guys had a good time! I'm sure that Aunt Mego LOVED having you. We missed you guys and cannot wait to see you again.
All my love,
Ms. Mel
Wow Ben, the Pouder River is one of our favorite places to fish. Did you see any trout hiding under rocks? Glad you had a great time in FC. We will add Mat Murphy to our prayers. We had a friend about 10 years ago have the same infection. It was a long recovery, but she did great. Sandee in AZ
Hey Ben - Colorado looks like fun! I hope you had a great time! I'm sure your cousins missed you lots back in New Orleans. Can't wait to hear about the next T-ball game! love, Aunt Robyn
Looks like you had a fantastic time! Glad no one fell in the river! I think it would have been too cold!! Glad you're on your way home. We missed you guys!!!!!!!! See you soon!
Much love and many prayers!
Mrs. Rita
PS I've never heard of washers, you'll have to tell me all about that game--looks like fun!!!
Mrs. Rita
Hey Guys,
Glad you all had a great trip. I love the pictures, especially the one hiking by the river. How did you keep the boys out the water?
We saw Ben and dad this morning on their way out. They were lucky to get out quick. We got out around 12:30.
Have a great weekend and keep having fun!
Love Cindy and Anna
hi guys-
i just wanted to say i had a great time with you here in colorado. thank you for coming to play with us.
love you,
aunt mego
It looks like you had fun in Colorado. It's a good thing that you kept Shaunie from jumping in that river! I'm glad that you are back because we missed you!
Hi Ben and family! I'm so glad you had fun with your auntie Mego and Uncle Mike! Colorado looks really pretty. I'm going to visit your Aunt Mego soon too. Thanks for the pictures, now I'll know what house to look for!
Glad to see you're doing so well, kiddo.
Love ya,
(Aunt Meg's buddy)
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