A few more pictures from Colorado....
Aunt MegO and the boys on the train at the park!
Now thats how to play Connect Four!!
The Last T-Ball Game.....
Ms Jessica showing the kids how to play left field!
GO PIRATES!!!!! We love you Coach Jessica!
Hey everybody -
Today was the last T-ball game (till next season of course). The kids had a blast this year. A big thank you to Ms Jessica & Ms Michelle for being such great teachers and coaches!!! We love you!
Ben had a great week. Camp was fun - he had a super short clinic appointment (45 minutes) it figures the one clinic appointment Dad does instead of Mom and they are out in 45 minutes!!! Ben and Dad are looking forward to next weekend. They are going on an awesome 4 day fishing trip out of Panama City Florida with an organization call The Way Outfitters - its a charitable organization that grants fishing and outdoor wishes for sick kids, and disabled vets - a truly amazing organization, and right up my boys alley they LOVE fishing together. The trip is going to be awesome and the Big boys are super excited. Shaun and Mom will do something fun - not sure what yet, I tried to convince Shaun he would like a spa day but I don't think he went for it - so it will probably be the circus!
We want to wish all the Dads out there a FABULOUS fathers day. My boys are so lucky to have such a great dad that loves doing fun stuff with them, and to also to have two amazing grandfathers that they love more than anything. SO HAPPY FATHERS DAY Daddy, Pops, and Grandpa (papa).
Love Always
The Sarrat Family
Hey Ben,
First of all, I did not realize how much your Aunt Mego looks like your Mommy! Second, where did you get that BIG connect four game? I want one! T-ball was so fun with you, buddy. We had a great time, and you are the world's best heckler! I love you, and I'll see you at school.
Ahoy Ben,
Congratulations on a wonderful t-ball season! Glad to see you were having so much fun!!! What we really want to know is how the heck do you reach to the top to put in the pieces for the humungous Connect Four game???
Have a wonderful time on your fishing trip.
Speaking of fishing...
What kind of phone does the ocean have?
A shell-phone!
What do you call a snail on a ship?
A snailer!
Why didn't the clam share its pearls?
Because it was shellfish!!!
With that we'll say, "Adios Amigos!"
Dave and Ginger
Hey Guys,
Hope you all are enjoying your hot summer. I love the summer routine with the kid's out of school, just too bad it is so hot.
Hopefully we will see you all in clinic next week, and hopefully it will be quick for all of us.
The fishing trip sounds like fun. I hope you all catch lots of fish.
Have a great weekend.
Love and Prayers,
Cindy and Anna
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