Monday, January 4, 2010

Surgery Morning

Hello Everyone,

Well anesthesia came in and gave the go ahead for surgery. Ben is in a great mood and playing Candy Land right now. They think his surgery will be at 1pm so they will probably go down around noon. Set up will take about an hour and surgery will take about an hour and then recovery. So he should be back in surgery for about 3 hours. If he wakes up well from anesthesia and is breathing well he will come back to his room. If not he may spend the night in ICU.

Lots of prayers, happy thoughts, and good juju needed today!
I'll keep you posted!



Anonymous said...

hope all goes well. I'm praying for you Ben.

Christine Leonard

Anonymous said...

Hey big guy,

we are pulling for you and hopefully tomorrow, you will be up playing games again. You're to tough for the doctors to keep down.

Love ya
Aunt Shirley and Uncle Ralph