Ben is doing great. He's at school full time, and loving it. We go to clinic once per week for a few hours and
thats it right now. No
meds - which is still puzzling. As "sick" as he is shouldn't we be doing something to fix that? But rest assured every doctor in the
country says we are doing the right thing. I know because I think I've talked to them ALL. We are looking into getting Ben into a Phase II
experimental drug trial at
Cincinnati Children's hospital, not sure yet if Ben qualifies or if our doc and theirs
recommend it. The nice thing is it sounds like we may be able to do this trial here if we decide to do it and if our oncologist signs on. Not that I wouldn't love to spend several weeks in Ohio in the middle of winter - NOT (sorry Cole Family love to see you just not that cold white stuff, I think its called snow.)
Ben is thrilled about our Disney vacation quickly approaching (Feb 7
th). He is super excited his Grandma and Grandpa, his teacher Ms Jessica, his Grammy and Pops, and some of his cousins will be joining us for a few days throughout the week we are there. He asks me to measure him almost every night because he has to grow one more inch to be tall enough to go on some of the "Big kid scary rides". I told him we would get taller shoes and spike his little beanie of hair up if he really wanted to go that bad!
Thanks for all you support, and messages. Ben love reading them (okay I read most of them to him, but give Ms Rita a few more weeks and I'm sure he'll be doing it on his own). Sorry I don't post as often as I used to, but hey no news is good news! Being back at work full time makes it more difficult to find the time.
Thanks for all your love and prayers! I'll have new pictures soon! I promise.
Love ya
I have been told by many many people that they have no idea how to post a message to Ben. So here goes " Blogging 101" or at least the portion of Blogging 101 I understand. Each time I post an update there is a line underneath in tinny print (some of you may need glasses for this part) that says "Posted by the Sarrat Family / Aunt Mego "time stamp" # comments". If you click on the word "comments" you can see the messages people leave for Ben. Scroll all the way down and there is a Section called "Leave your comment" and a big empty box. Just type your comment in the box and click on the orange publish comment button. You don't have to worry about choosing an identity I don't think, because I don't know exactly how to do that! Hope that helps! If any of you are accomplished bloggers out there, let me know I have questions on how to do "stuff".