What a great couple of days.
New Years Eve-
I FINISHED radiation! And then I went horse back riding, zip lining, and drove steer with Patrick and his PawPaw. I was a big time Cowboy! Then I went to my friend Ms Carols house and set off fireworks! It was an awesome New Years Eve.
New Years Day-
2009 started out with a bang! I went to the Alabama Football team pep rally today. Those cheerleaders were awesome - and I got to meet Big Al the elephant. I'm still not sure how those guys can throw those pretty girls around like that!
I'm VERY excited for the Sugar Bowl Game tomorrow! GO BAMA! ROLL TIDE!
Hope you like all my pictures!
Love ya
Wow Ben,horse back riding is my favorite thing to do in the whole world. You look like a real cowboy. You have the reins in the right hand and your left hand on your hip. I have to hang on to the saddle horn with both hands most of the time. You really learned fast. what a great way to start the New Year. I'm real proud of you Cowboy Ben. Sandee in Arizona
Hi Me Mitey Matey, Not many people know but before Pirate John was a Pirate he was a cowboy - and I have to say You do look like you know what you're doing on the back of a horse.
Cowboy jokes--
Why was the cowboy a lot of laughs?
He was always horsing around.
What kind of cowboy steals teapots?
A kettle rustler
What do cows bring to math class?
A cow-culator
That last one was a little lame wasn't it. We'll save some of the others for later. You have a great time at the Sugar Bowl tommorow - Pirate John.
Hey man,
I had a great time today at the pep rally. I'm really jealous you got to take a picture with the cheerleaders. I can't wait till tomorrow. Were going to have a great time cheering BAMA on to win the Sugar Bowl. See you tomorrow. I love you!
Have fun at the game tomorrow. Brandi said she is cheering for Alabama, too they better win. Glad you had a great new year. You are braver than Mrs. Tammy because she is very scared of horses.
THe Brathbury Family
Boy, have you had a busy couple of days and on top of that radiation is over! I love the picture of you on the horse. I love horses and rode them a lot. That's a great picture of you with the Bama cheerleaders and team, but especially Big Al, the elephant. So I'll send you another elephant joke!
What time is it when an elephant sits on the fence?
Time to fix the fence.
Love, Megan's mom, Peg
Ahoy Ben,
How cool that you loved horseback riding. You know, we have lots of horses out West in Phoenix. We also have lots of cheerleaders but we don’t have a cool elephant for a mascot, just some dumb devil. Now if you drive on down to Tucson, you’ll see a really cool pair of wildcats. Just ask your Grandpa Pat. He can tell you about them.
Since you had your picture taken with the cheerleaders, we thought we would send some jokes about them.
What is a cheerleader’s favorite drink?
Root beer!
What is a cheerleader’s favorite food?
What is a cheerleader’s favorite color?
Hope those jokes help your cheerleaders give Alabama lots of energy so they can beat Utah!
Adios amigos!
Dave and Ginger
Love the pictures!! You've been a busy guy!! You look soooooo cool!! WOW! no more radiation. What a handsome cowboy you are! You and Patrick look sooooo happy. Hanging out at the pep rally for Bama with the cheerleaders and meeting Big Al is sure the perfect way to start the New Year! Enjoy watching the game today and try and keep Ms. Jessica under control! ha ha ha I'll be cheering them on to victory also! GO BAMA! ROLL TIDE!!
Love you bunches and bunches
Mrs. Rita
Hey Ben,
Congratulations! Radiation is done! Yayyy! Good for you. That is a big accomplishment. You look very happy in your pictures :). I still am in disbelief that you got to meet the Saints and Drew Brees! My husband, Mike, is sooo jealous. He loves the Saints. He wishes he could meet Drew Brees, too. :)
Happy New Year, Buddy!!
Crazy elephant!! You didn't even look scared of him in the picture. Wow!
It sure sounds like you had fun yesterday doing everything. The zip line and horseback riding especially! And I really liked the car you got to cruise around the neighborhood in...did you know you were off the sidewalk, though. Careful dude!
From Michelle and the Nebraska boys
Bet you're winding down from your busy couple of days today. Here's a bird joke for you (my Megan will like these):
How do you know owls are smarter than chickens?
Have you ever heard of a Kentucky Fried owl?
Love, Megan's mom, Peg
Happy New Year Sarrat Family. We hope to see you in clinic soon.
The Bradford Family
Well Ben, looks like Bama didn't do so hot last night, but I'm sure the game was a blast and you were cheering your heart out. I love the pictures of you with Big Al and all the ladies! Man, what a fun day you had. I got to spend New Years with your Aunt MegO and Uncle Mikey. They both walked around in fake mustaches and were goofy as ever.
Wishing you and your family a happy New Years, and even though Bama lost, I hope you're still cheering "ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!"
Love, Jill
Well on this rainy night, Eli, at the moment, and the Colts are losing to the San Diego Chargers, but I hope he and they come back in the next half. I suppose it's too late for you to watch that game. But here's another bird joke (ducks in this case because rain runs right off a duck's back):
What happens when ducks fly upside down?
They quack up!
Love, Megan's mom, Peg
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