Hello All
Just a quick note today. Finally got the laptop fixed so now able to post pictures again.
Here are the pictures from the Benefit Dinner!
Tonight I ask for your prayers for my cousin Cindy Jemmett her husband Cliff and their whole family. Remember to tell the ones you love that you love them every day! If you take anything away from our journey with Ben I hope it is this, Yesterday has gone, tomorrow is not promised, so live and love today.
I love you all!
hey Ben you look soo good in your little suit. Better watch out becuase the girls are going to be all over you!
What a handsome little man!! Thanks for sharing the pictures...we check everyday to see what is going on with you! I bet you are counting down the days until Disney...you are going to have SO MUCH FUN! Max and Kate's favorites are the tea cups and the stunt show at MGM.
Erin and Ben, you are all in our prayers and thoughts everyday! Lots of love from Nebraska!!
Nicole, Justin, Max and Kate
Ben, you are such a handsome little boy. I'm so glad mom finally got the pictures up! But have a goodnight and give shaun a bigggg kiss for me..i would say one for you too but ms jessica might get mad at me haha !and see ya at school tomorrow! Love you man.
You have an amazing family and the quote you wrote is so true! I think sometimes we all take for granted the days we spend with loved ones, and we shouldnt. I keep you all in my prayers and admire the strength and love of your family. You are all wonderful people.
Love you guys
We had a great time at the dinner; wonderful food and wonderful company. I wonder...did Jessica leave hungry or did she eat Ben's chicken nuggets?
Live and love today!!!
As always, our love and prayers,
Emma, Noah, Margaret and Rob
Boy, Ben, that's one hot suit. You and Miss Jessica make a handsome couple. And I've never seen so many people in one kitchen before!!!
Here's another birdie joke: Why does a flamingo lift up one leg?
If it lifted up both, it would fall over!
Erin, I'm praying for Cindy and her family as well as all the others you've suggested and got family and friends praying for you all too. I'm always telling M. how much I love her. J. too. And hugging them. I want to hug you every time I see you too. I know "I love you" can never be said enough. CARPE DIEM, and I don't mean fishing!
Hey Ben -
You've gotten so handsome!! You look so grown-up in your suit. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. I hope you have a wonderful day! January is almost over which means ... almost time for DISNEY!! See you soon! love, Aunt Robyn
Hey Ben, Time to get down to some serious business!! Cardinals need your help on Sunday, so start flapping your wings and chirping (or whatever birds do!) I am counting on you. Love Jeannie O'Connor
Hey Ben
Love the new pictures. Brandi thinks you lok very handsome and she said "I love You!".
A disney cruise is so amazing! I bet you guys are going to have so much fun. Just remember try not to take over the ship.LOL
Erin you and Big Ben are a truly amazing people. We say prayers everyday for you guys and Ben. I know when they do his next test there is going to be an amazing difference and those doctors are going to be trying to fiugure out how that happened. That's when you can you look at them and say
Love Always The Brathbury Family
Wow, Ben! Your blog page looks real cool! I love your list of your favorite things at school. That is a pretty good list. And your joke of the day is very funny! I love it! Your pictures are really cute, too! I love you, buddy!
Ahoy Ben,
How dapper you looked at your gala event! Who is that pretty lady you had your taken picture with?
Your blog update looks pretty cool too! We love your Top Ten List. Since it's about school, how about some more school jokes?
Where are pencils made?
In Pencil-vania!
Why is it dangerous to do math in a jungle?
Because if you add four and four, you get ate!
What's the difference between a train and a teacher?
A teacher says, "Spit out your gum!" and a train says, "Chew, chew!"
Please give your grandma a birthday hug for us tomorrow!
Adios amigos!
Dave and Ginger
So glad to see pictures from your big dress up event. Don't you and Ms. Jessica look just so cute!!! You are one handsome fellow!! Wow, what a good looking crew in the kitchen too. Love the joke. You are such a good joke teller!! Won't be too long and you'll be at Disney, talking with Mickey, Minne, and the whole gang!! I'm
looking forward to seeing pictures on your blog.
Have a wonderful weekend! See you Mon. at school.
Love you bunches and bunches!!
Mrs. Rita
Dear Big Ben and Erin, There are not words that can express what an inspiring couple you are. Thank you sooooo much for sharing this journey.Thank you for reminding us that we need to live and love each day!
As Tammy said, come Feb 18th when tests are done, the Drs. will certainly be astounded when they discover how everything has turned out, and, yes, you can certainly say "What an amazing and gracious Lord we serve who is still performing miracles"
Much love and many prayers,
Hey Ben - Dave said if he had a teacher like Ms. Jessica he would love school too!
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