Friday : Ben's first soccer game - he scored two goals!!! Watch out David Beckham Ben got his mom's awesome soccer skills - although he didn't watch for planes even once (all you Flyers & Twisters know what I'm talkin about!!)
Saturday: Ben and Mommy danced on stage with Kid Rock - I know its crazy but its one of Ben's favorite songs..."All Summer Long" and Kid Rock was riding in Endymion so Ben's Uncle Howard arranged for us to be at the stage on Orleans Ave before the parade. We didn't get a picture with Kid Rock but hey how many 5 year olds can say they danced on stage at a Kid Rock concert! Probably not to many 5 years old have even been to a Kid Rock concert!!
Sunday: Parades!!!!
Monday: Took a break from the crazy Mardi Gras scene so we could rest up for a Big Fat Tuesday!
Today: Mardi Gras
We spent the day out on the parade route catching treasures and having fun! Ben and Shaun went dressed as Pirates - of course!! And had a great time. All the cousins and Aunts and Uncles were there, a big Thank You to The Lawrence Family for letting us hang out at your house today! What a great parade spot you have!!! We had a fabulous Mardi Gras. But its back to real life tomorrow! Mom has a meeting with Ben's docs tomorrow - to go over all the options we have searched out over the last week. Dad has to work but Aunt Dr Steph is going to go with mom. Then tomorrow night mom and dad will decide what the plan is...
Aawwww, Man!! Patrick is going to be SOOOOOOOO jealous!
Two goals at a soccer game, Kid Rock & Parades!!!! Don't rub it in too much. The Kid Rock thing is enough to send him over the edge!!
Thanks for your help on Friday with my little "animal" project. You were a big, big, big help.
Camille (Patrick's mom)
Ahoy Ben,
Wow - with all the fun you're having we can see why your family lives in New Orleans!!! And getting to dress up as pirates looked like real fun!!!
Speaking of pirates, we don't know if you've heard these jokes but if you have maybe they'll make you laugh again...
How much did the pirate pay to get his ears pierced?
A buccaneer!
Why does a pirate's phone go beep beep beep beep beep?
Because he left it off the hook!
What does a vegan pirate do in jail?
Much love!
Adios amigos!
Dave and Ginger
WOW!!!! Two goals. That's the greatest!! Dancing with Kid Rock? You've got to be kidding!! That's soooooo wonderful!!!!! I bet you got so much stuff from the parades that you can open up a store. After all who could not throw things at you and your brother? The cutest pirates ever!!
What great pictures!! Thank you Erin for sharing!! Lil Ben you and Shaun sure look like you had a GREAT time!!!
Erin and Ben you are in my prayers as you make decisions that won't be easy, but God is with you as you decide and whatever decisions you make will be the right ones!!!!!
Well, pirate Ben, the soccer champion, sweet dreams!
Love you bunches, and bunches!
Mrs. Rita
Hey Ben! I had fun at your soccer game! You were awesome!! And I bet all those people loved seeing you dance on stage with Kid Rock. I wish I would have seen it haha! Well im gkad youve been having sooo much fun! But its back to school today haha! So ill see you all later! Love you!
Hey Ben -
Wish I could have seen you score those 2 goals at your soccer game! That looks like so much fun! And I love the pictures of you guys at the parades - I hope you caught lots of beads and stuffed animals! Miss you buddy!
Erin and Ben - you guys are in my thoughts and prayers. I know you're looking at a tough day with the Docs today. Sending big cyber hugs your way!
Wow 2 goals you are awesome. Myriah used to play soccor when she was your age. She was on defense which gave her more time to socialize, I guess girls don't watch planes as often.
Not many 5 year olds even know who Kid Rock is, well except those in Ben's clas. We're all praying for you while you make your plan.
Ms. Amy
I had so much fun at your soccer game. Me and Brandi loved saying "Go Tigers!". I can't wait for your next game. Dancing with Kid Rock must have been awesome! I know that you had fun. I'll see you again tomorrow. I love you buddy.
Glad to hear that you all had so much fun at the parade, hope you caught lots of treasures.
Please know my thoughts and prayers are with Ben and all of his family and friends, especially as you make the choice as to how to best treat Ben. Please know I join you in SHARING HOPE in that no matter what treatment you select, it will give Ben complete healing.
God Bless.
Rich ~Angel Matthew's Dad~
DIPG Parent
Oh Ben! I am SOOOOO jealous! That's my all time favorite song I raise the volume on the radio as high as it will go and jam! I can't believe you met and danced with Kid Rock!! Graci and I and her older sister(Jenna) love it! We can't wait for the field trips in March!
Love ya!
Wendy (Graci's mom)
PS You and your family are always in our prayers!
Hey Guys,
We have been thinking about you all and praying for you all.
Glad to hear you all had fun at the parades and the soccer game. Two goals, that is amazing!
Anna proudly wore her Mickey shirt yesterday, and told everyone that Ben gave it to her. She loves it. Have a great weekend and take care.
Love and Prayers
Cindy and Anna
Hey Ben,
I'm Kale Bradfords (your buddy from Childrens Hospital) cousin Jenn. You two are some real troopers!! We have been keeping up with all your updates. My twin girls Tanner & Talyn are in Ms. Nicoles 2 yr old class at school. I bet Shaun knows them! I think we need to convince Ms. Jessica to bring the whole school to all those cool field trips your going on . Yall are going to have soo much fun! You and your family are in our prayers!!!
The Shelley Family
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