Best day yet, I got to go home!!!!!
I was giving my mom a lot of trouble last night taking my meds in applesauce, so she said I can try and swallow the pills - that worked great so I don't have to taste that "disgusting " applesauce anymore. In fact I will probable never eat applesauce again.
So it took two big Mayflower moving trucks to take all my stuff home - okay not really but I sure had a lot of new stuffed animals and cool toys from so many people who came to visit me.
I stopped by school this afternoon and said hi to all my buddies, and mom and dad let me order my favorite dinner for tonight. Pizza from the Pizza man (Okay so its Papa Johns but we call him Pizza man).
I sure do feel better being at home!
Love ya
Lil' Ben
Hey Ben!!!
I'm so glad you are home. It was great seeing you at school today. Hope we can play together real soon. You have the coolest toys!!!
Ahoy Ben,
Glad you got to jump ship and visit your friends today! Loved seeing all those balloons. I'm suprised they didn't lift your mom right up off the ground.
Are you in the mood for another joke?
Why do pirates always carry a bar of soap?
So, if they're shipwrecked they can wash themselves to shore.
Dave & Ginger
Welcome Home Ben!!!
I must have just missed your visit but I am so glad you came home today. Remember you can call our house whenever you want to.
The Brathbury Family
Hey Ben,
I'm so glad you came home today and thanks for inviting me over for pizza. I really enjoyed it. Your friends really miss you (and me of course) and they can't wait for you to come back and visit. See you tomorrow! Good night!
I love you.
I'm so glad that you are home now, Ben. I'm sorry that I didn't get to see you at school today, but all of your friends were very excited to see you! I guess that I will have to come see you at your house now. Good job on swallowing your pills, even your daddy can't do that! Love you, big man. See you soon.
ARRHH Me fine Bucko, Good that you are going home. A Pirate needs a home Port in any weather. Ask your Grandma or Grandpa to show you some pictures of the animals in Belize which is where a lot of the Pirates of the Carribean used to hang out.
Here's to you me Brave Matey
Pirate John
Hey Ben! Wow, you really are being a big boy for mommy...taking your pills without the applesauce..that is wonderful! I didn't get to talk to you when you came to visit at school..but it sure was nice to see you! And I love seeing all the pictures of you and your friends! Well Ben have a great day tomorrow, and I can't wait to read all about it!
Love you
Howdy there pirate. I'm very glad you got to change ports today. There's no place like home port. Looks like it's a good thing both you and mom were holding those baloons or you might have flown home. lol Love you, Mrs. Rita
So glad to hear you're home, Ben. Hip, hip, hooray! I don't think I've ever seen such a big collection of balloons. I think it's great that you could just take the pills and don't have to eat applesauce ever again. Bet you'll sleep really well tonight at home.
Love to you all,
Megan's mother, Peg
Hi Ben I just wanted to let you know that you are the BRAVEST and COOLEST little Dude that I know and I am very happy that you got to go home and see all your friends at school today.I have a couple of turkey jokes for you. Want to hear them? Here they go #1 What do you call the feathers on a turkeys wings ? ANSWER= FEATHERS #2 What part of a turkey has the most feathers ? ANSWER= THE OUTSIDE. Tell your Mom I said hello and the next time you see Mr."Stinky" Larry please arrest him because he has been a very bad. Your friend Mr. Scott
Pirate Ben-
I am so happy for you that you got to jump ship and go home. It's no fun being stranded in a strange place.But all those balloons and pirates probably made it a little homey. I am sure that now that you are home you'll get even more visitors. And my pirate dog (she is blind in one eye, says AAARRRRooo alot and is kind of stinky) wants to know if you have a good pirate dog to snuggle with and guard your booty? If not, she would be happy to help you find one or come out there herself.
Take care, good job swallowing your pills, we are all so proud of you.
Love, Robin
Hey Ben,
Sorry I didn't come to visit yesterday, but I knew you were going to get to go home. I live almost as close to your house as the zoo is to the hospital, so I'll be by to check up on you. Besides it looks like the treasure map leads straight to your house I'm surprised your Mommy didn't ask to borrow my big truck too! Have you ever tried applesauce with cinnamon in it? It is much better that way in case you ever want to give applesauce another try.
Ms. Amy
Hey Ben -
I'm so glad you're home! Hooray! Pizza sounds good ... I'm at work now and I think I'll go get some pizza for lunch. Uncle Peter and I are planning a trip to come see you soon, with your cousins, Andy, Lauren, and Abby!! Can't wait to see you! Love, Aunt Robyn
hey Benno,
good to hear you made it home! do some hanging out with your brother and try not to give your folks a hard time.
here is another awesome joke:
Q: why did tigger look inside the toilet?
A he was looking for pooh!
wow, that is real funny, hope you liked it.
and dont tell your mom i sent that one.
-uncle mikey
Hi Ben,
I just wanted to write and say how proud I am of you for being such a big pirate, and doing such a great job with your treatment. It must be very exciting to be back at home with all your friends and family around. All the animals out here at ACRES have been asking how you are doing, and the goats have been hoping you can come back soon and say hi to them. Im glad to see you are doing so well, and being such a strong guy! You are the most brave person I know! Im thinking about you, and hope to see you soon.
Hi Ben! Great news about being able to go home :) Do you know how to say home in Spanish? You pronounce it KA-SA and spell it CASA.
But that was an easy one. Do you know how to say pirate in Spanish? You pirates are an international bunch, so this will come in handy. You pronounce it PEE-RA-TA and spell it pirata.
Take good care of you Ben and enjoy being back at home sweet home.
Love ya,
Hi, Ben!
It's Dr. MacLean from your mom's work. I'm very impressed at how brave you have been this week. I know you have had a very scary week, but you have also had a lot of FUN! How cool to meet pirates?! Just try to be brave for the scary stuff and have a blast with the fun stuff! The cats at ACRES miss you and wish you the best. Take care!
Dr. MacLean
Hi Ben, It must have been so cool to have the Imagination Movers come and see you!Hope you have a supervantastic time at your friends party!When one of your friends is eating cake ask them this question and see what happens-ask them-What do you call a Fly with no wings?Then tell them you call it a Walk. //see ya-Mr. Scott
Hola, SeƱor pirata Ben:
I am on a cruise on the south sea with Pippi Longstocking's father, he's a captain of a ship, I am sure you know that, any way, I hope that this bottle with the message got to you and you are reading it. It just to say hi, and let you know that God is watching over you. God bless you and keep you
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