Hey Everyone!
I had quite a day today, one of my pirate buddies heard I was in the hospital and decided we needed a good old fashion pirate party!
His name is Pirate Papillion and we sang several pirate songs and danced pirate dances! It was awesome. If you want to check out the cool pirate who came to visit me you can go to www.kidpirates.com - He made me an official member of the Kid Pirate Crew!!
I had a lot of great friends with me for my pirate, and all my New Orleans cousins were here too! I start my new medicine tomorrow so we will let you know how that goes.
Love ya
Lil' Ben
Wow, Ben! You got to meet a pirate! That is really cool. And he even sang pirate songs with you! You are going to have to sing those pirate songs for me when I come to see you. I would love to hear them!
I had a great time today meeting your new pirate friend. He was really cool. Good night and I will see you tomorrow. Remember to be my big boy tomorrow when you get your new medicine. I love you!
Ms. Jessica
Hi Ben:
We love Papillon. You probably don't remember Sophia, but you used to play with her when you were one. She loves Papillon too. I think he has a funny song about shaking your "booty".
We miss you and are so excited to see pictures of Pirate Ben. You have gotten so big and strong.
We'll be in touch.
Beth, Sophia, Gabriel and Lucas Nazar
Ahoy there Ben, You and your matey look quite authentic. Have you found any treasures lately?
Shiver me timbers! Since you love pirates, ask your grandma or grandpa to go to the library and check out some of Melina Long's Pirate books for you. One of my favorites is "Pirates Don't Change Diapers". Let me know if you like them.
If you can get to a computer,go the phoenix public library/kids/tumblebooks, they have that exact story on line and you can listen to it on your computer. Here's the url.
"Ahoy There Sir Ben"
Arrr, Wish your Renaisance Marriott Family could have been there with you to share in your experience with Pirate Papillion.
We love you and are here to support you and the family. We will stop in this week to check in on you. Your strengtn and courage inspires us!!!
See you soon matey.
Love Always Your
Fleabag Inn Renaissance Family
hey bud---
your pirate party looked like so much fun- i can't believe i missed it. i hope you did some booty shaking for me.
do a good job tomorrow- be the big, strong guy i know you are.
love you,
aunt mego
Hi Erin and family -- just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything that I can do from here in AZ, please let me know.
Hi Ben :), You are sooo lucky you got to meet Pirate Papillion! I'm jealous! I know you are going to be the super brave boy that you are today. I'll be thinking of you! Love, Megan
Ahoy Pirate Ben!
Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
Because they can spend years at C!
I am your Aunt Mego's friend in Phoenix and I just wanted to send you a big hug and a funny joke and let you know I am thinking about you. Your Pirate Party looked very fun. Have a good day. I'll send you more jokes soon.
Love, Shannon
You are so lucky BEN to have a PIRATE come and visit you!! I have 3 boys who would have LOVED to been there for that! I'm just wondering...did he smell? I've heard Pirates don't take baths very often. Once a year maybe? What do you think? I think I'd only like to meet one that takes baths more often that that! I saw your picture and you weren't holding your nose, so maybe he smelled ok.
Take care buddy!
Michelle & your Nebraska boys
Pirate Ben - you are soooo cool!! Your cousin Andy thinks pirates are awesome and you got to be one yesterday so he's jealous! Uncle Peter, Aunt Robyn, Andy, Lauren and Abby all send big hugs and we are going to come see you soon! We love you buddy!! Hang tough today!
Hi Pirate Ben!
My name is Robin and I knew your mommy and Aunt Megan when we little girls. My mom and dad are best friends with your Grandpa and Grandma in Phoenix. I don't think any of us ever got a pirate party! That is so cool!!!! I live in Colorado now and have heard stories about you since you were very little about how smart and brave you are. Good Luck today, I'll be thinking about you.
Pirate hugs to you and your family, Robin Crowley
Hi Pirate Ben!
That party looks so cool--I had a pirate party here in Nebraska for my fifth birthday a couple of months ago and it was fun, but I didn't have a REAL pirate there! How cool! Turning five is pretty fun--I bet you are counting down the days!! We are getting a package ready to send to you, so be watching for it in the mail!
Love, your friend, Pirate Max from Omaha
Hey Ben! I'm Aunt Mego's friend. I'm from St. Louis, just like Uncle Mike. You helped me pick my wedding dress there! Thanks for that. I heard you like pirates, so here's a couple jokes (the second one's kinda gross, so maybe don't tell your mommy) :)
Q. What do you get when you cross a pie and a rat?
A. A Pie Rat!
Q. Why does the pirate smell so stinky?
A. Because he farrrrrrted!
I hope you have a great day today. I'll be thinking about you and your awsome family.
Love ya,
Angela G.
hey benno-
man that pirate party looks like serious fun. wish I could have been there.
good luck starting with your new medicine today, and I got everybody here in Flagstaff thinking about you.
-uncle mikey
i read shannon's joke and thought i could add a pretty funny one too.
q: did you hear about the new pirate movie?
a: yeah, its rated ARRRRR!
Hi Pirate Ben,
I am a friend of your Grandma and Grandpa here in Phoenix.I met you when you were staying with your grandparents here in Phoenix and when you were in on vacation in San Diego. I thought your pirate party really looked neat. I used to be a sailor too and I know some Pirates have a parrot for a buddy. What do you think about this one. http://www.pdphoto.org/PictureDetail.php?mat=pdef&pg=5752
Love You
Pirate John
Howdy Pirate Ben. How ARRRRRRRRR you? You sure look wonderful, handsome as ever! Let me ask you something, do you REALLY, REALLY like Alabama? When Ms. Jessica comes to see you tell her "Go Tigers" and see what she does.lol. Love you! Mrs. Rita
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