He's a little boy with a lot going on so we thought this would be a good way to keep everyone in the know about him. Erin and Ben will be updating this as they can on any news and information about our little man. I will leave it to them to disclose details and updates, but for the rest of us I encourage you all to post messages to Ben and share fun stories to keep us all in good spirits.
We all love Ben so much and are praying hard for him. He is on the minds of everyone we know right now so let him know you are thinking of him as I'm sure he will get a kick out of getting mail from everyone. Send me any fun photos you have that you would like to share- there are plenty of him out there being the little rascal he is.
Thanks for all the support so far- we are all truly blessed to share in this community of family and friends.
That's it for now,
Aunt Mego
hi ben- just wanted to say hi.
i love you,
aunt mego
Hi Ben,
We love your picture. Gramdpa and I are very proud of our little pirate.
Hi Ben!
Guess who asked about you when we got home this evening? Rocky, Macey, Zelda, Hambone, and Bacon! They all asked for you. We said you were a BIG BOY and that you gave your medicine to yourself. They were amazed. We told them that you will have teach them how to do it next time you come over. Bacon is now hiding, but Rocky is wagging his tail. Maybe Rocky wants to show you he finally learned how to peel oranges.
We will see you again real soon! Enjoy your toys.
Pizza Joe and Mrs. Amanda
Hey Ben,
It's your favorite teacher, Ms. Jessica! I just wanted to say HI! I love your website. It's really cool. I will see you tomorrow. I love you! ROLL TIDE!!
Ms. Jessica
Hi Ben Grandma told me you were in the Hospital. You sure made a cute priate on Halloween. We just want to say we LOVE U.
Aunt Shirley and Uncle Ralph
Hi Ben, I am your 2nd Cousin. You have never met me but I have heard so much about you and I love you so much. I hear the Big Man has a Birthday coming up Hope you have your wish list made out.
Talk to you later. XOXOXOXOXOX
Hi Ben. You don't know us but we hear all about you from your proud Grandma and Grandpa in Phoenix. So, we feel like we know you and we certainly love you. We have our own little 4 year old pirate Ben here in Phoenix who you have to meet one day. What a playdate that would be! We are counting on it! Be good and take care, little man!
Maria, Jonathan, Ben, Noah and Caleb Levine
Hi Ben.
You are the bravest boy I've ever met in my whole life! You can take all the medicine and the poking and prodding from the doctors and nurses better than any of us adults. And I mean that! We are all so proud of you and love you so much. Come out and visit us at work soon--we need your help with the goats and leopards! :)
We're all thinking of you. Kyle and Lauren are very concerned about you. They say hi and hope you feel better soon.
Megan, Mike, Kyle and Lauren
Hi Ben,
It's the other Ms. Jessica. I love that picture of you in your cool pirate outfit. That is a really big sword! I just wanted to say GEAUX TIGERS because tigers are way cooler than elephants.
Hi Ben!!
This is your friend, Patrick. I had a great time playing with you yesterday and I can't wait to see you again.
I love you!!!
Patrick Chudzinski & Family
Hi Ben, we are Patrick's grandmother and granddaddy in Germany. That's real far away from New Orleans. When we talked to Patrick's mom yesterday we could hear you and Patrick playing and having a good time. We are coming to New Orleans soon and are coming to visit you.
Love from
Oma Nazira and Opa Nik
To the parents, I am Camille's friend Michelle and my son had Leukemia at the age of 3 he is now 13. Children's Hospital is a great place and Dr. Valez and Dr Gardner are 2 of the best Drs. I know there. They will take great care of your son. I wish you the best and I know you will go through MANY ups and downs. Just hang in there and let the rest up to God. With all the friends and families praying things will get better. God Bless you and your son.
Bailey Dog says, "Hi Ben". We miss you. We like your blog page and will send you more pictures.
the Califanos - Linda, Bob, Fran, Nicole and Kris
Hi Big Man Ben, I am watching Football today but I am thinking of you. Do you Like football? I hope your having a Great Day. Great Big Bear Hugs...love you Cousin Julie
Hi Ben!! You look so cute in your pictures. I wish I could have met a real pirate like you did; that is really cool!!!! I enjoyed seeing you Saturday. I miss seeing you and Shaun at the daycare. I will continue to pray for you and will see you soon...love Ms. Kelly
Hi Ben,
We haven't met you yet but we are part of your Phoenix family. We have seen lots of pictures of you and heard many wonderful things about you from your Grandma. I have to tell you that we think you made a Great Pirate and how lucky you were to meet a real pirate!
Take care - we love you,
Uncle Ron and Grace
Good morning Ben, this is Mr. Jay and Ms. karen, we are Madison Lauves parents from Ms. Michelle's class. Hope you have a great day today and hope you feel better soon. By the way it must be soooo cool having your very own web site. You should list some of your favorite things to do on here.
we hope everything goes fine today. You are such a brave boy! WE LOVE YOU WITH ALL OUR HEART!!!
we'll see you soon!
Hi, Ben,
Jack and I are starting south for New Orleans two weeks from today and will see you then. When we woke up this morning in northern Wisconsin there was a thin layer of snow on everything! I am writing a pirate story for you that I will bring along called BEN THE BRAVE PIRATE. Hope you will like it.
All our love,
Megan's mom and dad, Peg and Jack
Good Morning Ben,
I am so proud of you I don't know many people who can speak clouded leopard. I can too, and it's very similar to tiger. I know you are not a big LSU fan, but real tigers are fun to talk to. The white one at your Mommy's work loves to be talked to. I spent the weekend in Alabama and all I heard was "role tide" and boy were they happy when they one the game against LSU.
Ms. Amy
Hi Ben! I'm Allison, an AmeriCorps member who helped your mom take care of all the animals at her work. Rember how we jumped in the puddles when we had a crawfish boil in the barn? That is one of my favorite memories with you!
We all love you so much!
love, Allison Gravis
Yaaarrrr mately Ben!
I am happy to know that you are have joined Pirate Papillion's crew and are helping him out on all of his pirate missions. He needs good pirates like you!!!
I'm am your Aunt Meg O's good friend and got to play with you last Christmas at your grandparents house. Your smile is impossible to forget and I am thinking of it so much these days. Keep that pirate spirit high and here's your pirate joke of the day.
Q; What do you get when you mix a pirate with a vampire?
Love ya Lil' Ben!
Good morning Ben.This is Mrs. Rita WOW! Looks like you had a great time with a "real" pirate, You sure look cute, I think you must be a real pirate too!! I miss you. Remember you're on book 5. When you get back to school, we'll finish all 10 books. This is really neat having your own blog! Talk to you later!
Hi Ben, This is Sophie's mommy. Sophie had such a great time playing at your house when your mom babysat for us,and also playing in the water with you at the crawfish boil we ahd at our work. She always asks about you and really wants to come visit you! Hey-- she saw Pirate Papillon, too, and is also a Kid Pirate! So you guys can do Pirate stuff together when we comes to see you.
We love you and we'll come see you soon!
Hi Ben,
Love seeing you dressed as a pirate;you look so perfect as one. Lucky you, a grown up pirate came to visit you.
We just want you to know we think you are very COOL!!
Love to you,
Dee Dee and Dos Boyd
Good Afternoon Ben,
I just saw that handsome pirate when I went on your website. It sounds like you had a big day yesterday. Everytime I see a pirate now I'm going to check and see if it's you. You be a big mand and continue to take your own medicine. We will talk to you soon.
Love Aunt shirley and Uncle Ralph
Stay strong Ben! I will keep you in my prayers!
Brian Marsolan
Hello Ben,
I am one of your second cousins from Phoenix, we have all been thinking and praying for you and your whole family. I am sooooo glad you are doing a great job with your medicines! My second son Jared who is 9 years old was a pirate for Halloween too. Hope you got lots of candy! Give mom and dad and grandma and grandpa a big huge.
We love you very much,
Lisa, David, Jacob, Jared, Kaitlyn, and Kendall Fortini
Hi Ben
We just love your website. Brandi is so excited to see all your pictures. She was also very happy when you called her on Sunday. Keep up the good work with your new medic ine. Brandi says she will see you soon. Call anytime you want.
Mrs.Tammy, Mr.Glenn, Brandi, Carli and Kaci
Hi, Ben,
What nice drivers you had yesterday to run the sirens for you. It must have been very loud inside. Did you put your hands over your ears?
Love to all,
Megan's Mom (Peg)
Hey Ben, This is Johnny the Lion at your mommys work. I heard you are a pirate? Last time I saw you, you were just a little boy. What does a real pirate look like? When you are feeling better mabey you can show me. Tara the lion (my girl friend) said she wants to see a pirate too. So does Tora the tiger, but I don"t care what he says because he does not like me much. see you soon, johnny
Her is a joke for Ben. What kind of fish always makes a pirate laugh? A clown Fish! Luv ya, Miss Carol
Hi Ben The Pirate Party looks like alot of Fun. It sounds like they are keeping you very busy there. I am having fun in Japan but getting ready to come back to the United States. Talk to you soon Love you.
Cousin Julie
Hi, Ben,
I'm Pip, Megan's mom's dog, way up north in Wisconsin. Since I'm a Chihuahua from the Mexican desert, I hate the cold! It was only 12 degrees when I had to go out to pee yesterday morning at 4 AM. (I love to get Megan's dad up early.) Can't wait to get down to New Orleans. We'll all see you then.
Woof, woof from Pip
(written for Pip by
Megan's mom)
Hey there Ben!! Mr. Tom and I are VERY proud of you buddy! I cannot wait till you come home and see the cool flag pole that Mr. Tom and Nathan built for you.
You have your very OWN pirate flag now! Be good and keep up the good work. We will see you next Monday. Mr. Tom and I are going on a trip and will bring and Sean something special!!!!
Hi Ben,
You have not met me or my family before. My name is Joel Brackett and I pastor Luna Assembly of God church in West Monroe, LA.
I just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you, that God will touch you and make you all better.
I kinda know what you and your family are going through, because I have a 6 year old grandson that just got back from St. Jude. The Dr.'s thought that he had a tumor that was inoperable. However, it turned out to be "Alexanders Disease". There is no cure or treatment as of today for the disease. Caleb is his name.
The Dr.'s are only able to treat the symptoms and he too is on steroids and other medicines that you are probably taking now. But I wanted you and your family to know that God is helping Caleb very much and we are believing for a miracle for YOU as we are believing for him.
Caleb has returned to school, is gaining weight, is very active again and is getting stronger. I know that it is God helping him, because the Dr.'s said that they could not help him any more.
Our hope and prayers are that you continue to get stronger and better.
Please let your Mom, Dad and all your family know that they too are in our prayers. We know what it is like to have to go through what you are facing now, but remember with God's help, you will make it!
We love your web page and your jokes! Keep up the good work.
May God Bless You,
Pastor Brackett
Ps. Caleb and all of our family send our best wishes for a great Thanksgiving Day!
Happy Thanksgiving Ben I am thankful for all my friends and family but especially Thankful you are home with your family. Rick and I are thinking of you today.
Q: Why did the Turkey Cross the Road?
A: To get his stuffing.
More Thanksgiving Jokes for Ben.
Q: What key has legs and can't open doors?
A: Turkey.
Q:Why did the turkey cross the road?
A: It was the chicken's day off.
Q: Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?
A:The outside
Q: Why did they let the turkey join the band?
A: Because he had the drumsticks
Have a Great Turkey Day Ben We Love You....Counsin Julie & Rick
Hi Ben
This is Reagan Olivier's grandma Ms. Pam i worked at Brighter Horizon's with Ms.Jessica. I had you in my classroom somtimes and you became my buddy. I just wanted to let you and your family know that we are praying for you and think of you often. Reagan can't wait to see you for your birthday ,she's taking the whole day off at OLPH just for you . Have fun for your birthday and i will see you soon.May God be with you and your family always.
Pam Miller
Hey Ben,
My OCD is kicking it, and I just wanted you to have an even 40 comments. So, WOOHOO!!!, this is your 40th comment! Love you, buddy.
Stopping by again to check on ya! Stay strong!
Brian Marsolan
Hey Ben What a Great game Huh? We are so happy here in Seattle Washington that your Team won.
Enjoy your Victory. Love you Cousin Julie
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