Happy Thanksgiving Everyone - I had a great day. All of my family who lives in New Orleans was here including 8 of my cousins. We had a great time and ate lots of food! As you can see from the picture we crashed pretty hard after it was all over. Hope you all had as great a Thanksgiving as I did.
Love you all
I'm so glad that you had a good Thanksgiving, Ben. You and Shaunie look very tired so you must have had a fun time. Did you eat plenty of turkey? I'll see you soon little man. Only seven more days to your birthday!
Hey Ben,
I've been waiting for you to write us about how your Thanksgiving is going. I'm glad you had a good time. Did you eat alot? I know I did! I can't wait till your birthday. I can't believe your going to be 5 already. Your getting old!!! I'm just joking I would love to be 5 again. Talk to you later. I love you and Happy Thanksgiving!
happy turkey day Ben! I hope you ate lots of good food. You must have eating a lot of turkey because you and shaun look like you are about to crash.Im soo excited for you birthday. love you
Hiya, Ben,
You really had a big day! Glad everyone could get together. We had really good food too and kept Pip, the chihuahua, from getting into a fight with Kitty Friend, one of Megan's brother's cats who is much bigger than Pip! We finally put Pip up in a chair in her bed so she couldn't run around. Megan's new niece Anja (pronounced Anya) loves her stuffed animals, including Ping, the duck. Do you have that book about Ping? It's a good story. Here's an elephant joke for you: How can you tell when an elephant has been in your refrigerator? Look for elephant tracks in the butter. Pretty dumb, huh? I like dumb jokes. They make me groan with laughter.
Love to all, Megan's mom, Peg
Hi King Pirate Ben. Thanks for sending the picture! Looks like you really know how to end a fun day!! When I finish eating turkey, I love to crash in my chair. Kick back, try to watch tv, but I fall asleep and than wake myself up snoring!!ha ha ha.
Glad you had a great day!! Sweet dreams! God loves you and so do I!!
Mrs. Rita
Happy Thanksgiving! That must have been fun to have all of your cousins over. I bet y'all played a lot. You and Shaun look comfy on the sofa with mom.
Have a great last week as a 4 year old!
The Nazar Family
hey ben, it's adam. i'm glad you had a great thanksgiving. i miss you at school.
Hello Ben! I'm Ms. Annie from your mom's work, we met a few weeks ago. I noticed your pants are unbuttoned. After thanksgiving dinner I have to unbutton my pants too because I eat so much good food that my belly grows. Sometimes now I just wear stretchy pants though!
I hope you had a good day filled with lots of yummy leftovers!
Hi Ben, I am glad you had a great Thanksgiving, I did too. Just to let you know, I received your birthday invitation in the mail today. My big brother, Evan, and I will be there to help you celebrate. I can't wait to see you again. Love (girl) Kamryn Illg
Hi Ben,
Man..It sounds like you must have had a great thanksgiving. You get to spend time with all your family in town, and get to eat turkey and gravy? That must have been great. Looks from the picture that you got a nice nap in with mom after as well. Hope your having a nice Saturday. Gobble Gobble!
I found a funny turkey joke, and I thought i would share it with you...
A turkey farmer created the first 6 legged turkey because his family loved turkey legs for thanksgiving. and he was very excited to tell all his neighbors about it. And his next door neighbor asked:
How does it taste?
and the farmer said.
"I dont know, I could never catch the darn thing!"
Have a good day!
and the goats keep wanting me to pass on a big hug and hello
Hiya, Ben,
Couldn't let today pass without sending you a silly elephant joke: What weighs 5000 pounds and wears glass slippers? Cinderelephant. Ha, ha, Groan. Jack and I are packing our suitcases today and will load the car (and I do mean LOAD) tomorrow for our early take off Monday morning for New Orleans and the West Bank. We stay at Forest Isle apts., practically around the corner from you, so anytime you or your mom want a visit (I love to read books) just call. I'll give you our cell phone numbers when we arrive. Love, Megan's Mom, Peg
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