Okay my mom is thinking that they are having way too much fun at her work without her, because somehow the lion Jonny Dolar got ahold of a computer and sent me a message. She is not sure how that happened but it must mean Ms Carol is up to no good!
Ethan came to play today!
I had another great day. No anesthesia for radiation, and I took all my medicine by mouth nothing through the IV - that means they will take it out tomorrow and I get to go home!!!!! YEAH!!!! I also went to see the eye doctor this afternoon, "Lem" tried to come too but mom said he had to stay in the room and go to time out! It turns out I may not have had as many visitors as I thought - I have double vision in my left eye. The doctor says if I keep taking my medicine and doing my new eye exercises that when my "owwy" shrinks that should clear up. But most pirates only have one good eye anyway!
I have made lots of good friends on 4 west so I will miss them. This is a picture of my favorite day nurse Ms. Tina. She has taken care of me almost everyday I was here and yet somehow avoided giving me a shot or placing an IV. She is very sneaky that way.
Thanks to everyone at the Audubon Zoo who donated blood in my name today. I know how yucky needles are so that was really sweet of you, I hope I don't need it!!
Thanks for all your messages, I read them every morning before treatment and every evening after meds.
Love you all
Lil' Ben
Ben, you are doing an excellent job man! Everyone is proud of you, even that lion Jonny Dolar...haha...! And I bet you're excited about getting to come home tomorrow....and I know everyone else is too! Well Ben have a good day tomorrow and hopefully see you soon!
Love you
Hey Ben,
I'm glad you had fun with Ethan today. I'm excited that you are coming home tomorrow, now that means I get to come and see you at your house. Who knows I might just have to bring some of your friends with me! HA I'm sure your mom and dad will love that. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Good night and make sure and be good tomorrow during your radiation. I love you!
Ms. Jessica
Hey Ben,
You get to go home tomorrow! That's awesome, buddy. I'm sure that you can't wait to be back at your own house. Your nurse looks like she was nice to you! Ethan told me that he had a great time playing with your pirate ship. Tell your mom that the reason the animals are e-mailing you is because you are the coolest little boy around! Notice that no elephants are e-mailing you though. That's because lions and tigers are way cooler. Love you man.
Hi Ben,
I'm Mike the Tiger from LSU. I heard that you didn't feel very good so I wanted to make sure that you knew that your tiger friends at LSU love you too. Tigers are AWESOME!
Geaux TIGERS!!!!
Hi there Pirate Ben. This is Mrs. Rita. How wonderful that you get to go home tomorrow!! I'm so proud of the way you take your medicine! Your favorite nurse looks really nice. She's going to miss you when you go home. How cool that you got a message from a lion!! That was grrrrrrreat!! I've never had a message from an lion. Get a good nights sleep! I love you!
Ahoy Ben,
That is great news that you'll be making your way home soon! So what is your favorite pirate book anyway? I'd like to order it for my students to read. I know you would be a good book expert on pirates!
Speaking of pirates, how about some more jokes?
Why does a pirate's phone go beep beep beep beep beep?
because he left it off the hook!
What does a pirate say when he takes over santa's job?
ho ho ho and a bottle of rum
What does a vegan pirate do in jail?
(Get it Aunt Mego?)
What has 8 arms and 8 legs?
4 Pirates!
Hope these made you laugh!
Ginger & Dave
Thank you Erin and Ben for allowing those of us who care so much about you, your family, and your incredible little boys into your lives at this moment.
Little Ben, it is awesome to hear what a fabulous patient you are in the hospital, helping the doctors and nurses take good care of you. Soon you will be up dancing pirate dances and singing pirate songs with Pirate Papillion! I mostly remember you as Ben the Builder...once when you were visiting your Grandpa and Grandma in Phoenix I came by and you taught me the names of many tools in your very extensive, cool tool kit! Give my love to your Mom and Dad and Grandpa and Grandma now, and I look forward to hearing how much better you get each day!
Love Lori and family
Yayyyyy! You get to go home, Ben! Wahooo! See you soon at your house instead of the hospital :). Go team!
Ahoy Ben; so glad that you may get to go home. But it looks like you have been treated like a Pirate Prince in the hospital. That is because you are such a great pirate taking all those meds and laying still. We are so proud of you and your whole family. I have let people in California, Colorado, Indianna, Ohio and at Arizona State University read your blog. Everyone sends elephant sized wishes and prayers. Hugs to all, Sandee
Hey Ben,
It's Ms. Jessica, Reese, Aden, Rachel, Mitchell, Ethan, Emily, Tajanaie, Adam, Grace, Tanner, Graci, Gavyn, Patrick, and Margaret! Your entire class! Everyone says HI and that they miss you and love you. They are all excited that you get to come home today and they can't wait to see you. See you later.
Your class
Big Ben,
I work in Golden Meadow but I am in town on the weekends. I spend alot of time at my girlfriend's condo - 333 girod. I always see you walking into the Renaissance Hotel but never have had a chance to say hi. Next time I will make sure I do. I wish the best of luck to your son and your family. I will pray for him
Gray Stoulig
Morning lil' Ben,
Word has it that you might be heading home today! I know that your family and toys have missed you...what an exciting day! Give your mama a big hug from your Aunt Meg O's friend Jill and know that I'm thinking of you all the way from Alaska!
Pirate joke of the day:
Q: What is a prirates favorite part of his body?
A: His Booty!
Love, Jill
Pirate Ben,
I'm Isabella from Ms Michelles 3 year old class. I'm Tinkerbelle Bella so I know about Pirates. I bet you are much nicer then the pirate on Peter Pan though! Glad you'll be coming home soon! Hope to school soon too!
Erin and Ben,
Thank you for letting us into such a personal part of your lives. Know so many people have your precious Pirate Ben and you both in their preyers. Know we have our arms wrapped around you giving you all the love we can.
Brand Erwin
Dear Pirate Ben,
I was told about your blog site from Ms. Donna Brown (she works with your daddy.) I work for Marriott so I am part of that big extended Marriott family.
I have read your blogs and I'm already a big fan of yours. You are such a strong and amazing little pirate! I, along with the rest of the Marriott family, are out here rooting for you! You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I'll be checking on you via your blog so keep up the good work!
Jenn Bracken
Hi Ben! I think I'm a little technologically silly because I've been leaving you posts that never appear...maybe it's some of that pirate magic you have???? I bet you know how to do this blogging thing better than me :)
I'm so glad to hear you're going to go home! Yippee! Say hi to your family for me.
Lots of hugs,
Hi Ben,
It's great that you get to go home today. And it's awesome that you haven't had to have a lot more needle pricks. I don't like those either--who does?
here's a joke for you:
q: What goes hahahaha...plop?
a: someone laughing their head off
I hope you're laughing your head off and having a good day.
Give your mommy and daddy a big hug from Arizona.
Hi Ben
It's me Brandi your favorite girlfriend. I am so glad you can come home. Maybe I can come see you at your house one day. I miss you.
Love Brandi and the Brathbury Family
Hello Ben,I bet you are glad to be home.Here is another dumb turkey joke for you-Why did the turkey cross the road? answer:BECAUSE IT WAS THE CHICKENS DAY OFF!HAVE A GREAT DAY! from Mr.Scott
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