They didn't win and Drew Brees didn't break the passing record but I thought it was totally awesome! Warm-ups and the coin toss was great. I'm sure most of you could not see me, I was a little short compared to the rest of the guys. But my buddy Drew Brees held my hand and introduced me to all the players out there. I got some autographs, and I picked out a play for Coach Sean Payton - I'm sure it was one of the ones that they scored off of! Everyone was soo awesome. I saw Cameron Alfred's Dad and he gave me a game ball from last week! Cameron - your dad has the COOLEST job!!! My brother Shaun had a great time too - he didn't get to go on the field, I think the football players were afraid of him.
Can't believe what a cool day this was, Thank you to all that made it possible. I love ya!
Ahoy Ben, You looked awesome out there with those big guys! And what a treat to pick out a play for Coach Payton!
We found some more football jokes...
What kind of football player wears the biggest helmet?
The one with the biggest head!
Why are football stadium seats so cold?
Because FANS sit in them!
What should you do when 19 guys are running at you?
Throw the football!
Adios amigos!
Dave and Ginger
Hey Ben
That is soo cool that you got to go onto the saints field with Drew Brees. We saw you at the beginning of the game but from our seats way in the nose bleed you looked soo tiny. I hope you enjoyed every minute of the game. Thanks for picking out one of the plays, Sean Payton needs a little help sometimes. LOL =] Well, take care and hope to see you at school this week. Oh...almost forgot...we saw a bunch of the Alabama football players at the saints game. I hope you get to meet some while they are here!
See you later!!
Gavyn and his mom
HI Ben:
That picture of you and Drew Brees is soooooo cool. You must be the happiest kid around. I don't know what Mr. Alfred does, but he must be super nice.
There are only a few days left to 2008. This year has turned about to be pretty amazing for you and your family. I certainly hope that 2009 keeps getting better and better.
Happy New Year's!
Beth Nazar
Hey, Ben,
What a wonderful picture of Drew and you. It gives me goose pimples. Those guys are sure nice. Drew sure did a fantastic job today, didn't he? I'm sure your play helped. Glad Shaunie didn't get loose on the field. Both teams would have had to chase him into the end zone!!! Hope you can get to sleep tonight after all that excitement. Heres' a good old elephant joke for you:
Why were the elephants thrown out of the swimming pool. Because they couldn't hold their trunks up.
Love, Megan's mom, Peg
Ben, Seeing you on the football field is like the coolest thing ever! You looked just like one of the team and I can't imagine how totall rad that must have felt. How awesome!
I am off to see your Aunt MegO and Uncle Mikey for New Years in a few days and I can't wait to hear more about there trip to see you in New Orleans.
Have fun with your family and toys and take your mom for a cruise around the neighborhood in your cool new Jeep. Looks like the best ride in town!
Ben's Joke of the Day
Knock- Knock
Who's there?
Ben who?
Ben knocking on this door all morning. Let me in!!!
Take care kiddo!
Love, Jill
Wow, Ben, you were so lucky!!!! I think if they would have put you in the game, you could have won it for them! I hoped they would have shown the coin toss on tv and told my mom to watch the game too! Unfortunately, they did not show the coin too, but my husband(Mr.Chris) and my dad were both working the game and they say you and thought you looked so cool... I am so glad you had a wonderful time!
Oh Ben, I'm soooooo jealous!! Look at you right there with Drew!!! And yes, I'm still sure you are more handsome than him!!! My daughter, Debbie, texted me and said she saw you!! Those Saints sure were lucky they had you to pick out a play!! I know the one you picked was a touchdown play!!!
You're right about the players being afraid of Shaun!! lol
That was an awesome game and I'm so glad you were there!! Can hardly wait to hear more about it.
Love you bunches, and bunches
Mrs. Rita
WOW Ben,
Did you happen to notice that the Governor of Louisiana Bobby Jindal and his daughter were on the field with you? You must be really important because you are standing between them and Drew Brees. I am so glad that you and your family had a great Christmas and that you only have a few days left of treatment. When is your big trip to Disneyworld? Be sure and look for Captain Jack in the Pirates of the Carribean ride.
Ms. Amy
PS: I hope Santa's reindeer didn't leave you any poop, I wouldn't want Shaun to mistake it for the jelly beans from the toy reindeer!
Hey Ben -
Sorry I haven't written in a few days. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas! I heard all about it from Grammy and Pop Mickey. We're up at the mountain house with them and Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Henry, Cat, Steve, and Virginia. It's pretty busy up here, but we're having fun. Sure wish we could see you, but I know you're having a fun time at home. Hanging on the football field looks amazing!! That's so cool that you met Drew Brees and got a football! Have a great day today. We miss you! Love, Aunt Robyn
Hola Benchu!
Sorry I did not post any comment lately, but on the last minute Santa sent me ticket to go see my mom and dad in Argentina, so here I Buenos Aires hanging out with my parents. Buddy, how cool the whole stuff about the Saints! I´m soooooooooo glad you met the players!!!
And the car Santa gave you is aaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome! Enjoy it!
My mom and dad say hello, and send you thousands of kisses (miles de besos). Although they live far away from your house, they love you and they pray for you (in Spanish!)(isn´t it cool?)
WOW, Ben!!! That is so cool that you picked out a play! If Coach Payton would have let you pick all of the plays then maybe we would have won. That picture of you with Drew is SOOO cool! I'm not sure, but Bobby Jindal's daughter looks like she was checking you out. Brandi better watch out! I love you buddy, and I miss you. I will see when I get home.
Happy New Year Ben,
I am soooooo happy that you are done with Chemo. It is so neat to start the new year without having to take it. You looked so cool on the field with Drew. I agree with Ms.Jessica, I think that cute little girl was eyeing you up. Maybe you can pick her up when out cruising in your jeep. Don't celebrate to much tonight with Grandma & Grandpa. You might have to keep an eye on them. Say hi to Shaun for us.
Love you bunches.
Aunt Shirley
Ahoy Ben!
You are so lucky to have met the entire football team that brought hope back to New Orleans after Hurrican Katrina. I am sure that all the kidos are jealous of you, but don't worry, they're jealous in a good way. I don't know about you, but I thoroughly enjoyed that game. Yeah, they lost, but they gave it their best. And we didn't even lose by that much. I always knew you were a cool kid, but the entire dome saw just how awesome you really are! ;-)
Love ya!
Pizza Joe & Mrs. Amanda
... one more thing. That picture of you and Drew is my desktop for my computer at work. Great photo dude! ;-)
Pizza Joe & Mrs. Amanda
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