Here is the joke of the day:
Why does the potato chip talk?
Because it has a mouth
(That is a Ben original)
The snow was fun, I hope it snows again tomorrow. I went to school today and had a snowball fight with all my friends.
I went to daddy's work and had chocolate milk and chocolate chip cookies- they were yuuummmy!
Yeah!!! A Snow Day for Ben!!! I hope you had a good time, little man! And I'm really glad that you were able to share the fun with all of your friends and your favorite teacher (who also happens to be my favorite daughter). Never mind that she's my only daughter. LOL I'll see you and Shaunee tomorrow. Have a good (and warm) night!
All the love in the world!
Ms. Mel
P.S. It'll be a miracle if this comment actually posts. I'm not too good with this computer stuff!
Yeah!!! I did it!!!!
I'm so proud of me!
Yeah Ms Mel we are proud of you too!!!
Love Shaun and Ben
Yeah!! Two cool things happened today! It snowed and Ms. Mel posted a comment! WOOHHOO!!! That snowball fight was very fun, Ben. You got Ms. Jessica good! Too bad Shaunee didn't want to play in the snow, though, because it was so much fun. See you later. Love you.
Hey Buddy,
Yeah! We got to play in the snow today!! Yeah, you did get me pretty good. I have a cute picture of you hitting me with a snowball and running away from me!! Well have a warm and safe night tonight. I hope we see you tomorrow at school. Good night! I love you!
Wow Ben, I can't believe you got a snow day in New Orleans! How fun! It looks like you're an ol' pro at making snowballs and I am so happy that you got to play in the snow with all of your friends. And Ben, I absolutely LOVE your beads! You should be very proud of those. I hope you're having so much fun with your Aunt MegO and making her play with you and Shaun a lot. I know she was so, so excited to come and see you!
Ben's joke of the day
Q: How does Frosty the Snowman get around?
A: On an "ice"-icle!
I think your Uncle Mikey will like that one.
Take care, kiddo.
Love, Jill
Wow, Ben, snow! Glad you had so much fun in it. Megan wasn't having so much fun it it. She got all cold and wet and sang a complaining song like Eeyore.
I stayed inside, out at ACRES, and made cat, cougar and stork dinners, though those little smelt fish from Wisconsin that the storks like are just like holding icicles. Tomorrow I'm going to get to take care of the goats in quarantine. I'll say hi to them for you. I'm sure they'll say, "MAAAAAA," back.
Did you guys find the two books in the bag w/the snowmen about the little polar bear and the coyote Christmas before getting rid of the bag? Hope so.
Here's a joke for the day:What's a pirate's favorite restaurant? ARRRGH-by's.
Ahoy Ben, We didn't know pirates lived where it snowed. Guess we get to learn something new every day! Great looking snowball you had there!
What do snowmen eat for lunch?
Icebergers !
Where do snowmen go to dance?
Snowballs !
What sort of ball doesn't bounce?
A snowball !
And here is the best one...
What do you get if cross a snowman and a shark?
Frost bite !
We're going to see your grandma early tomorrow morning. Luckily it won't be snowing here.
Adios Amigos!
Dave and Ginger
Hey Ben,
So you got to play in snow and I did not. How come it waited to snow until after Grandpa and I left New Orleans. I'm glad you had such a great day.
Love and kisses
Grandma and Grandpa
p.s. Ms Mel I am happy that you posted also. Miss you all.
Love Judy
Hi Ben,
Emma had a great time playing in the snow today as well and she was very happy to see you at school.
Emma wants you to know that we talk to "baby Jesus and God" every night before we go to bed and we ask them to make sure you get better.
Our love and prayers,
Emma and her Mommy
Good morning!What a wonderful day for you! It snowed just for Ben!! Sure looks like you had fun with all your friends and the best teacher in the world!Hey, I think Santa's favorite snack is Choc chip cookies w/ choc. milk! Love the potato chip joke! How in the world do you think up such good jokes? You have a beauuuuuuutiful day today. Have fun and I'm looking forward to another joke. Love you bunches and bunches!! Mrs. Rita
Snow in New Orleans?!? Wow! We have snow in Nebraska, too and Seth, Drew and Ian played in it the last couple of days.
What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Do you smell carrot?
What happens when you drop a snowball in water? It gets wet!
Stay warm & keep smiling,
Michelle & the Nebraska boys
snow! It must have been so exciting to hang out with all your friends at school and play in the snow. Looks like you guys had so much fun! I was really impressed with your bead necklace that you got...it looks really cool. I hope you have a good day today, and keep being such a brave pirate.
Happy fun snow day!! Wow, that almost never happens in New Orleans, huh! I'm so glad you had fun in the snow with your friends! No snow here in Maryland...just a lot of yucky rain. Have a super fun day little man! love, Aunt Robyn
Hi Big Guy,
Those are some pretty neat beads you have there. I want to know how many do you get for dancing on the treatment table? You sure have a cute teacher, Troy didn't have a cute teacher when he went to day care. I'm glad you got to cut down on the meds. continue taking the rest so you stay strong to go to school next week. Love ya
Boy, Ben, your friends sure know a lot of snow jokes!
Because the movie was rated ARRRGH. Maybe Megan and I will see you tomorrow afternoon. Hope so.
Love from Megan's Mom, Peg
Hey Handsome
How are doing today? That was some crazy snow weather we got yesterday. I am glad you had fun in the snow. Brandi's teacher took them out at big school to play in it. She had so much fun. Well have a great day.
Love The Brathbury Family
Yeah! I told you, you could do it Mel.LOL
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