Sorry no post yesterday I didn't get home till after 11pm. I was out late partying with my buddies at City Park Christmas in the Oaks. Lots of kids from my school met up for a pizza party and to ride the "party school bus" with Mr. Art to City Park. We rode trucks, airplanes, and the carousel; played on a battleship, pirate ship, and got swallowed by a whale. We stood in line for a while but the train broke down so my grandma says she is gonna take me and Shaun back to ride it another day.
Went to radiation today. Only 6 more days to go!
Hey Ben
It looks like you had so much fun at Celebration in the oaks. The train is so much fun you get to see soo many lights. Its good that grandma is going to bring you and Shaun back to ride it. I hope you had lots and lots of fun. You were up way past your bed time last night. You must have gotten to sleep late today.
I love you little man, Geaux Tigers
Wow Ben, it looks like you guys had a great time at Christmas in the Oaks. Out till 11pm getting to go on all those rides must have been awesome. That plane you were flying on looks like it was awesome! I bet you are sleeping really well today. Hope your excited for Christmas. Less than a week away!!!!
Ahoy Ben,
That was quite a pirate ship you were playing on last night. You look like a natural up there! So pirates enjoy Christmas too? We didn't know that, but we do know some Christmas jokes...
What's the best thing to put into Christmas dinner?
Your teeth!
What did the dog breeder get when she crossed an Irish Setter with a Pointer at Christmastime?
A "pointsetter"!
What do sheep say to each other at Christmastime?
Merry Christmas to ewe!
You grandpa came to our house last night for Dean's 50th birthday party. Everybody said "hi" to you and your family.
It won't be long until Santa comes. =)
Feliz navidad!
Dave and Ginger
Ben, we had a lot of fun last night, didn't we?! The rides were so cool, and all of those balloons on the party school bus were awesome! Only six more days of radiation! YEAH!!! See you soon. I love you, little man.
Hey, Ben,
What a night and only 6 more days of radiation. Yippee! Such good pictures of you at City Park too. Hope you get rested up today.
If you go to online, and go to "In the Field," then go to the left side of that page and click on the Migration Map, and then click on "miles already sponsored," then go to Mile 1240 you'll see YOUR NAME.
Whooping crane #814 on that migration is right from SSC. Megan and Ani bred him with the crane pair, Susan and McFuzz. Maybe your mom helped because she often does. He's in northern Alabama now. They're headed for a winter in Florida; then he'll fly back on his own to the Necedah Refuge in Wisconsin up near where we live in the summer.
Love, Megan's mom, Peg
WOW Ben! Only six more days of radiaton to go! How many beads to you have now? I'd be curious to see your Beads of Courage when you're done with radation because you've been so brave you must have a bunch! You're going to have to get a new necklace to fit them all! I'm glad you had a great time at City Park last night. Hopefully soon you can come out and see the animals at your Mommy's work. They are all mooing and roaring and meowing for you. :)
Love you, buddy!
heyy ben! im sorry man its been a long time since i wrote you something! ive been so busy with christmas and everything i havent stopped! well it looks like you had a lot of fun last night at city park! and it has been great seeing you at school! looked like you and mrs rita were having fun playing club penguin at naptime! haha! well have a good night and hopefully see you tomorrow! love you!
Hi there Ben. It looks and sounds like you had a terrific time with your buddies at City Park Christmas in the Oaks! You sure look awesome in that pirate ship. WOW! Not getting home until after 11 o'clock at night means you were having a grrrrrrrrreat time!! Bet you slept late this morning.
Only 6 more days for radiation--yippee!!!!!!!!!!
Q. What man is strong enough to hold up a car?
A. A policeman
Love you bunches and bunches!!
Mrs. Rita
Hey Buddy,
I'm glad you had fun last night! I did too. Can you believe Mr. Art filled the bus with balloons? That was really cool. I can't wait for our Christmas Party tomorrow. I hope to see you there. Good night! I love you!
We had a great time at City Park too! Glad we got to spend some of the holiday with you and your family.
Our love and prayers,
Emma, baby Noah, Mr. Rob and Ms. Margaret
Wow it looks like you guys had a great time at City Park. And Mr.Art filled the bus with ballons, he is the greatest bus driver ever. sorry we missed it we had a celebration with our friends for Christmas. Hope to see you at the party at school Monday.
The Brathbury Family
Hey Ben:
Sorry we missed you at City Park. We were just looking through all your pictures and Graci said you look COOL! Her older sister said you're a cutie pie!! oh oh Enjoy your party at school and stay KOOL!
The Thompsons
Mrs Wendy, Mr George, Graci and Jenna
Looks like you guys had a great time!
A new joke for you:
Where does a king keep his armies?
Up his sleevies!
Merry Christmas to the whole family!
Wanted you to know - we hadn't sent any comments before, because I'm new to this blogging thing and didn't know how to use it. Finally got it!
I am sooooo proud of you!! You and your family have made my Christmas and future year a true blessing. Seeing you - being so brave and acting like the Kool Kid you are has given me the courage to face more things that come my way. I HATE SHOTS TOO!!! What an insperation you are!! So thanks Ben for helping me! Maybe next time I have to get shots you can come with me.
Merry Christmas to you and your family and God Bless.
Hugs and Kisses
Graci's Mom
Wow Ben, what cool pictures youhad taken at City Park. That helicopter looked the coolest. I can't believe you only have 6 days left, they will go really fast. It usre was good to talk with you last night. I am also glad tht you did not have to help grandma fold the certain clothes we talked about. Ha! Ha!. You reast real good now because you have some prety busy days coming up. Merry Christmas to you and Shaunie and the rest of the family. We love you much.
aunt Shirley
Hey Big Guy,
Aunt Shirley better not stay out as late as you did or she better start wearing her glasses. Did you see all the misspelled words in my message. Do you think maybe I should go to school with you one of these days and I could learn to spell? I promise I will do better. Love you bunches.
WOW Ben!
It looks like you had a blast. I’m so glad you didn’t have to go to the clinic this week. We don’t have to go the clinic either, but Kale must have his blood work done at St. Charles Parish Hospital…Yuck!!
We hope you have a Very Merry Christmas!
Melanie & Kale
Why does Santa have three gardens?
Because he likes to ho! ho! ho!
Your friend,
in Nebraska
Hi, Ben,
Hope you're recovering from your big fling at City Park. Today Megan's Dad and I had to take her poodle Sophie to the vet's(the second time in two weeks) way out at the far end of Westwego. She's had a terrible cough and had to have a shot (she was very brave) and an x-ray! But she came out just fine and didn't cough once more! I found a Santa joke for you I hope you like:
What do you get when you cross Santa with a detective? Santa Clues!
Love to all, Megan's mom, Peg
Good morning Ben. Just a few days until Christmas! I'm sure getting excited! I know you've been a very good and very BRAVE boy, so you'll have a terrific Christmas! Have a fun day today!!
Knock, knock
Who's there?
Police Who?
Police let us in, it's cold out here!
Love you bunches and bunches!!!!!
Mrs. Rita
Hey Party Man!
Looks like you had a fun night at City Park. My favorite picture is the one with you in the pirate ship! I know you're being super duper good as Santa will be coming in 2 days!!! Hooray! Have a good day! Love, Aunt Robyn
Hi, Ben,
Hope you had a good day. Santa's elves must have had a very BUSY day getting all the gifts ready to put in the sleigh tomorrow. Got a joke for you:
What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
Frosted Flakes!
Love, Megan's mom, Peg
Thanks for the yummy snacks today! The card was sooo cute. Tell mommy that I won four dollars and a ticket! YEAH! I just wanted to say thank you, buddy. Make sure that you go to sleep early tomorrow night, so Santa can bring you and Shaunee your presents. And don't forget, Santa LOVES tigers!
Hey Ben,
Very new to this Blogging thing so I haven't written yet, but we are here now.. I even have you on as a feed, whatever that
We want to tell you how much we love you and that we are so proud of you. You are incredibly brave and strong. I love all of you pictures you are so handsome..
You have a wonderful Christmas, Santa is coming very soon :)
Can you do me a favor and tell mommy, daddy a Shawn, Merry Christmas and that we love them too :)
Hugs and Kisses.. Talk at you later
Love ya,
The AZ Lindsay's
Chris, Tanya, Emma & Ethan
Hey Ben! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas man! The gift bags and lunch were amazing! Thank you and your family so much! Well don't forget--ya gotta go to sleep early tonight for santa....and no peeking because he doesn't like that! haha! Love you Ben!
Ben, my man, ya'll haven't posted a new blog since Sunday. Are ya'll still in bed from all the fun ya'll had Saturday night!!! You are a party ANIMAL!
Just joking.
And it's true - Mr. Art is the greatest bus driver in the world. Could you believe all of those balloons. Awesome!!
Ok...yesterday was magnificent. Who knew that wine in the middle of the day could make the workload go so much nicer. What was it that I ate ... Beef Borgshanneenee? Whatever, anyway it was DELICIOUS!!
Who knew your Dad could cook! And your Mom, too. I guess she must have snuck into the Applebee's kitchen a time or two and took notes. LOL
We love all of ya'll and we hope everyone in your family has a fantastic Christmas!!! See ya soon.
All the love in the world...
Ms. Mel
P.S. Did you know that the elephant mascot for the University Alabama's name is BIG AL?
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