WOW!!!! What a party. A SWAT "tank", Fire Truck, Zoo Animals, great food, face painting, clowns, and best of all MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe what an awesome 5th Birthday I had. And guess what .......
I'm going to Disney World!!! I can't believe it. I wish all my buddies at my party today could go with me!
Thank You !!!!! Thank You !!!!!! Thank You!!!!!!
Okay my Mom wants to write stuff now - I Love you all
Lil' Ben
Hello All
What an amazing community we have been so blessed to become a part of. Not many people say Thank God for Katrina!! But I do. Because it brought us to Brighter Horizon's, Belle Chase, and a community of so many wonderful people who we love and who love us! I want to take a few minutes to say thank you to some very special people ....
Melanie, Jessica and ALL the amazing teachers at Brighter Horizon's. I can't begin to tell you how special you all are to my family. My boys have always loved coming to school, I always enjoy my afternoon chats with all the teachers when I come to pick them up. I don't think most parents "hang out" when they come to pick their kids up - but I do and I see a lot of other parents there too - and its not because we like getting mulch in shoes - its because you all are so awesome and we are privileged that you are our children's caretakers and our friends!
To the Brighter Horizon's Parents - some of you we know and some of you we just met today. We thank you for all your love, support, and prayers. I have been on several field trips with your kids and they are truly wonderful - partially because they go to Brighter Horizons and have awesome teachers, but mostly because you are awesome parents. Hug them everyday, laugh at their crazy antics and enjoy every minute. We want you to know that we will spend our lives trying to pay forward the generosity and love you have shown our family.
To our Marriott Family - Thank you for your support! The flexibility you have given to Ben has been amazing we are enjoying our family time everyday, and we know how many people are working so hard to make that happen.
To our Audubon Family - you all are so amazing. I know how hard you all work and I know how short staffed you are right now. I miss seeing you all everyday, I enjoy your visits, emails and phone calls more than you know. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all you do!
To our friends, and our friends friends, and the people we don't even know - thank you for the meals, the cards, and most of all your PRAYERS!
To our family - we may not say it enough but We Love You All!!! Thank you for your support, and your time. You made us who we are and you must have done a great job because we must have turned out pretty good to have this many people love us and our kids as much as they do.
I have always believed in the power of paying it forward. And you all have given us quite a challenge. We will not disappoint.
We love you all
Erin and Ben
Happy Birthday, Ben!!! WooHoo!! You get to go to Disney World!! It is going to be so cool to meet Mickey Mouse and all his friends. Your birthday party was so fun today. All of the cool pirate stuff, the fire truck, the SWAT truck, and everything else was so fun. Your pirate outfit was really cool, too. I hope that you had fun today, little man, because all of us did! Love you, buddy.
Happy Birthday Ben! Glad to see you had a wonderful time and even better is that you get to go to Disneyland!!!! Speaking of Disneyland...
Why can't planes land where Peter Pan Lives
Because it is Never Never Land!!
What kind of car does Mickey Mouse's girlfriend drive?
A Minnie Van!
Why is Cinderella such a lousy football player?
Because she has a pumpkin for a coach.
Adios amigo!
Dave and Ginger
It seems like yesterday when you used to spend Sundays with me and Pablo, were so baby, so little, and look at you now!!!!! men, U-R-5-N-O-W!!! WOW!
I heard about the fire truck, SWAT truck, I heard you had a great day!
And what a great costume you wore!
But I think the best part of all is that you'll go to Disney!
I'm glad to hear you had a FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!
see you soon buddy!
Hey Ben, you don't know me but I worked with your Mom. I just wanted to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'm sure you and your friends had a great time today. Elisia has been telling me all about what they planned for you for the past week. And you get to go to Disney World, one of my favorite places! Hope the rest of your day was awesome too, you have TONS of people who love and care about you.
If ya'll need any extra help at SSC or with anything else let me know, my finals end Tuesday and I'm more than willing to come help out during the week. I'm just a call away.
Love Kasey
Hi Ben,
A Big Happy Birthday to an swesome Pirate. It sure looks like you had a wonderful party. I can't believe you are only 5 and got to ride in a fire truck. I'm way way old and I still never got to ride in one. I can't believe you get to go to Disney World too. Maybe I can hide in your pocket and go with you. I haven't never been their either. rest well tonight and we all love you.
Hi Ben:
Sounds and looks like you had the best birthday ever! I am jealous!
Have a great time at Disney World. I went when I was little and I really loved it. I really loved the Pirate ride and the Swiss Familiy Robinson Treehouse.
Your family seems to be having a great time. That makes me really happy.
Beth Nazar
PS: Tell your Grandma I am trying to get her more Thai chicken and the recipe!
I had such a great time at your birthday party today! Can you believe you get to go to Disney World? I'm so jealous. Well sleep well tonight because I know I will. I love you buddy! Good night!
Lil' Ben-Emma had a great time at your party. We are glad we had the chance to celebrate with you.
Erin-You are so right about Melanie, Jessica and everyone at Brighter Horizons. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. They don't just teach our children; they love, nurture and care. For that we all have reason to be grateful.
Our love and prayers,
Emma Jaques and her Mommy
Hi Ben
We had a great time at your party was the coolest party ever!!! You looked like you were having a pretty good time yourself! How does it feel to be
"5" now?? I hear that you are going to Disney World..i'm sure you will have a blast, and take lots of pictures!! Gavyn hopes that you can make it to school again next week b/c he said that ya'll had a lot of fun the other day. Well, get some rest little man and i hope you have a great day tomorrow!
You are soo right about the staff at Brighter Horizons. They are amazing!! We all knew that before, but the past few weeks their BIG HEARTS have really shown! We are all blessed to have them in our lives and our childrens lives.
I don't know you and your husband very well but from what i see ya'll are amazing parents. You go above and beyond for your kids even through some hard times. The world needs more people like you in it. Ya'll are in our prayers and if you need anything at all, please let us know.
God Bless You!!
Gavyn Morales and family
Happy Big 5 Ben!!! Sounds like the best party ever! And Disneyland, wow! What a wonderful birthday suprise. I am so happy that you have been able to go to school and see so many of your friends and teachers the past few days. I also loved your pirate outfit and the wonderful birthday sign at your school. People there really, really love you! I hope you're enjoying the big 5.
love, Jill
Happy Birthday Ben!!! Ashantee', Aiyanna and I had a really great time at your birthday party. Have a great time in Disney World. You and your family in is our prayers.
WOW! You had the BEST PARTY!We had so much fun today. Disneyworld is one of my most favprite places in the world, and you are going to have a blast.
Brandi says to tell you she had a great time and she doesn't mind eating pizza and ordering out.LOL!
Also she hopes you enjoy your picture.
Even though I work at Brighter Horizons ALL the parents are right about Melanie and Jessica. They are two of the most caring people I know.
The Brathbury Family
Ben!! I hope you had a great birthday man...everyone enjoyed your party!! And I bet you are excited about Disney World! We know yall are going to have a great time! I love ya Ben!
Hey Ben!!
It sounds to me like you had one of the best birthdays in the whole world! Wow! You have truly wonderful people around you who love you very, very much. That's because you are one of the coolest kids I've ever met! I bet your mom and dad could vouch for that. But they're probably just a teeny bit biased, so I bet everyone else could back me up. And I can't believe you get to go to Disney World! Can I come along if I curl up in your suitcase? I promise I won't get in the way. I might just eat all of your candy and pizza, but that's it. Haha! Well, I hope you have a good day today, Ben, and I will see you soon. The goats and the cranes and the big bad Dixie bird say hi :).
Who whoo! Whoo hooh!! Disney World?!? Awesome. Happy Birthday Ben--
love, Michelle and the Nebraska boys
Hey Ben, Happy 5th Birthday man. We had alot of fun at your party. I think you had alot of fun in that BIG Firetruck. Those horns were really loud. Gavin and Colin had so much fun with the pirate @ your party. We hope you have the best time ever in Disney World. Mickey and his friend are really cool. Have Fun Man!
Erin, I also agree w/ you. Katrina was the best thing that happened to us also. The daycare Gavin & Colin went to was put up For Sale. I called Melanie and explained to her Gavin's special issues (seizures & ADHD). She invited me in and said all kids are welcome. I always tell them, THEY ARE ANGELS FROM GOD. My kids don't want to leave in the afternoon.Not many people ride around town with LUVKIDS on thier license plates and brain wash your kids to love Alabama. Let us know if you need anything. Tell your mom, were not only friends. We are Brighter Horizons Family.
Love, Michelle, Gavin & Colin Jones
That looks to me like one of the best birthday parties ever! All those fun activities, and a swat car, and firetruck? I am Jealous. AND to top it all are going to DISNEYLAND? what a day! I bet you had so much fun hanging out with all your friends at school. and just think, you are an even older pirate now who is very experienced in the ways of piratehood. So keep up the great job with your meds, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Hello pirate Ben! WOW!!!!! What a great birthday party. And you're the cutest pirate in the whole wide world!! I had sooo much fun. Can you believe you actually got to make the siren work in that big fire truck! Mickey and Minnie and all their friends will be very happy to see you and your family when you get to Disney!
Love you lots!
Mrs. Rita
Hi Ben, What a Great Birthday Yesterday!! We really had fun, and I really enjoyed taking pictures of everyone else having fun. Remind your mom to take lots of fun pictures in Disney World. Have a great trip.
Erin, You are certainly right about the crew at Brighter Horizon and all of the wonderful parents also. But don't leave yourself out, I remember a short 2 years ago when you gathered up your Zoo Crew and brought them to give blood at the Brighter Horizons Blood Drive for Jonathan's heart surgery. I will never forget all of the support and love that I got in that time of need. You never fortget when special people touch your lives and are there when you need them most.
Grandma Judy, Thanks for all of the hugs!!
P.S. I hope this works, I have never done this before.
Dawn Lewis
Hey, Ben,
WE'RE HERE!!! But of all crazy things I couldn't write you ON your big 5th birthday because we only arrived at our apt. at Forest Isle in the morning and couldn't get our computer connected up till 11 AM today, so as soon as I could, I wrote you. I loved your pirate outfit. Sounds like everyone had a terrific time (including you) and that you and your schoolmates are seriously lucky to go to school at a place like Bright Horizons. My hat's off to all the teachers, parents, and kids. I HOPE i'll see you VERY soon (like today even, though you may be all tired out from your exciting birthday, I know.) (Don't know when you take off for Disney World. You'll have a wonderful time, I know, as will your family. Take lots of pictures.)
Love, Megan's Mom, Peg
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEN!! Hooray - big #5! Wish I could be there to give you a hug, but I'll certainly try to catch you on the phone tonight to say happy birthday. Andy and Lauren want to say Happy Birthday to you as well.....actually, they want to sing, but that might scare us all!! Looks like you had an awesome party! Love, Aunt Robyn
Well, Ben it sound s like you had an awesome birthday and you wore the perfect outfit for it too. We are glad you had a great birthday and Ms. Karen came into work saying how big and great it was . When you feel up to it maybe we could get a big pizza from Moe's and Pizza Joe could show us all the Pizza dance. Hope to see you all soon and know that we are thinking of you. We are just a phone call or email away if there's anything you need. Look forward to eatting pizza soon with you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!!!!!!
Ms. Amanda & Pizza Joe
WOW BEN! It looks like you had a really really fun birthday party. I don't know anyone who's had a giant birthday banner AND a fire truck and a SWAT tank AND a pirate outfit and especially all in one day! That's awesome!
Your Aunt Mego and Uncle Mikey are headed to New Orleans to see you today. They sure are excited to see you (and eat pizza with you!)
Happy Happy Birthday!
Love, Shannon
Happy Birthday, Ben!
Wow, Disney World... That is awesome. I know you will have a fabulous time. I am so excited for you.
All the Best,
Shannon Lescale
Your party at school was totally rad!! (Make sure to ask your mom what the term "rad" means, as I expect you to use it in a sentence the next time I see you).
Livy-Lou wants to know - how does it feel to finally be five?
Can't wait to see you this weekend!
Howard, Julie, Marian, Brooke, Olivia, Juliet, Caroline (and Ashley and Oscar too!)
Hey Ben! Adam had a real good time at your birthday party. He was very glad to see and play with you. You really have a lot of friends and family who love you and care about you with all their hearts! I'm so glad you had such a good time for your birthday!
Love, Adam & his mom Erin
Hi, Ben,
I know you're looking forward to your trip to Disney World, but did you know enough "Mouse Ear" hats are sold each year to cover the heads of everybody in the big city of Pittsburgh?
Have fun with your Aunt Mego and everyone else visiting you!
Love, Megan's Mom, Peg
Hey Ben I had such a great time at your birhtday party. It was the best I have ever been to. You get to go to Disney World I hope you have soo much fun there. Your goin to meet Mickey and all the other characters. What a great birthday.
love you
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BEN!!!! Sounds like you had ALOT of FUN!!! I just bet you are counting the days till DISNEYWORLD! I know you will have a great time. I hope you get to meet all the Disney characters, without a doubt you will run into Mickey Mouse himself!
Have a great holday season and say hi to mom.
Ms. Kim Jayroe
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BEN! We just wanted you to know we had a great time at your birthday (hope you did too). We are very jealous you get to go to Disney. We want to meet Mickey someday. We will keep you and your family in our prayers.
The DeSalvo Family (our kids attend bright herizons)
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