What a good birthday weekend we had here! Movie night with my cousins and my friend Patrick was great. And I ate a giant corn dog at the Orange Festival it was so awesome. Lots of fun games and rides.
We had our pizza eating contest!! And guess what - I won! Aunt Mego went down.
I miss all my friends at school, so I am going to try and go to school this week. Thank you for my messages. I have a few new jokes for you all I hope you like them...
So the harbor master says to the boy fishing on the peer, " There's no fishing allowed here" and the boy says, "I'm not fishing I'm teaching my pet worm to swim.
Why does the elephant where tennis shoes?
So he can play tennis.
Why does the golfer where 2 pairs of pants?
In case he gets a hole in 1.
love ya- B
Hey, Ben,
Glad to hear you had such a fun birthday weekend AND such good weather for it. Congrats on winning the pizza eating contest. Poor Aunt Mego though.
I hope you get to go to school this week to see all your friends and super teachers. Thanks for posting a new elephant joke. I hadn't heard that one.
Here's another Disney World fact: Walt Disney wanted to name Mickey Mouse "Mortimer" but his wife wouldn't let him!!! I'm sure glad it's Mickey!
Can you sing the "Mickey Mouse Club Song" yet?
Love, Megan's Mom, Peg
Hi there, Ben. Love that Alabama shirt!! Corn dogs at fairs are the best in the world!! Thanks for the jokes! you are really good at telling jokes!! I laughed my head off at the golfer one! I knew you'd beat your Aunt Mego.good job!!!!Sleep well tonight, and hopefully see you this week at school. I love you!!
Mrs. Rita
Wow, Ben, that is a BIG corn dog! I'm not to sure about that Alabama shirt, though. You look like you had a very good weekend, buddy. So exactly how many pieces of pizza did you eat? I bet that you ate 42 pieces, right? And I think that Aunt Mego must have only eaten 39. I hope that I will see you at school this week because it is so much more fun when you are there. I love you, little man!
heyy ben!
Im glad you had a great birthday weekend! And I love the new jokes! They made me laugh...and I definitely needed that! Hopefully we do see you at school this week because everyone misses you too! Have a good day! I love you!
Hay Ben!
It's Isabella Erwin, I had a great time at your birthday party! Mom thinks you must have taught me a few things about being a pirate. She came home and I was wearing my eyepatch and saying Arrrrrrrrrrr! A lot!
Awesome corndog! WOW!
Hope to see you at school!
Good morning to the nicest corn dog eating, Alabama fan, I know!! I have a couple knock knock jokes for you:
Q. "knock, knock......Who's there?
Nobel...Nobel who?"
A. "no bell, that's why I knocked"
Q. "knock, knock....Who's there?...
Tank....Tank Who?"
A. You're welcome!
Have a wonderful day!!
Love you, Mrs. Rita
Hey Ben- Happy Birthday!!! Madi's birthday is today so we are thinking of you and will make another wish for you. We are so jealous of you going to Disney World- you may have to give those princesses hugs for us (or maybe your mom will do it for us). We are missing you lots and love you tons! Talk to you soon- thanks for all the updates...
Love, The Messengers
Hi Ben! Feliz cumplanos, amigo! Did you know that Saturday, March 21st, 2009 is NATIONAL CORN DOG DAY??!! I didn't! Maybe you'll have to challenge your aunt Mego to a corn dog contest that day.
Take care, kiddo, and give your family a hug for me.
Love your jokes Ben! I'm glad you had a fun birthday weekend! Sounds like we have something in common, as pizza is one of my favorite foods and it sounds like you can sure put it away! Congrats on winning the contest!! Have a good day little buddy! Love, Aunt Robyn
Mmmm, that cordog sure looks good! Congrats on beating your Aunt MegO in the pizza contest. You should be super proud because I know how much she loves pizza. You know, all this talk of corndog and pizza makes me wonder if anyone has ever tried a corndog-pizza. Might be worth trying!
I am so happy you had a great birthday and have had so many wonderful visitors. You're one special guy, lil' Ben!
Ben's Joke of the Day
Q: How do you fix a broken pizza?
A: With tomato sauce!
xoxo, Jill
P.S. Roll Tide (I loved your Bama shirt) and give you Aunt MegO an big ol' hug from her matey, Bean.
Hola Pirate Ben,
Loved your jokes. Here's some back to you.
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Hammond who?
Hammond eggs for breakfast.
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Les who?
Les go for a swim!
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
UCI who?
UCI had to ring because you didn't answer when I knocked.
Pretty goofy! Speaking of Goofy, when are you going to Disney World?
Adios amigos!
Dave and Ginger
Good morning pirate Ben. ok I have a pirate joke for you.
Why couldn't the pirate play cards?
He was standing on the deck.
Why are pirates pirates?
Because they arrrrrrrr.
Have a good day today.
Love you bunches and bunches!!
Mrs. Rita
Hiya, Ben,
Went shopping and shopping and shopping with Megan and Sara S. at Target yesterday, and, by accident, found the greatest thing for YOU for a Christmas decoration (at least I think it's great because I'm a great nutcracker collector). And they only had ONE left!!! A PIRATE nutcracker! How lucky is that? Maybe I'll just drop it outside your door someday soon so you'll find a surprise.
Did you know that Mickey Mouse down at Disney World has about 175 outfits, including a scuba suit and tuxedo? Wow! Wonder which ones he'll wear when you see him.
Love, Megan's mom, Peg
Hey Ben -
Your cousin Andy is in my office at work today and he wanted to say hi so here goes: hi! Hmmm.... a man of few words. We hope you're having a great day and can't wait to hear about your plans for Disney World!! Love, Aunt Robyn and your cousin Andy
O my goodness Ben I've never heard those jokes before! They sure are funny!!! I really liked the golfer joke!
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